Here we go again! Sexism & Racism from the far left.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Jimmy Fallon, Questlove apologize for Michele Bachmann musical 'intro mess'

Let the apology tour begin.

Less than 24 hours after Jimmy Fallon's "Late Night" house band The Roots played "Lyin' A** B****" as intro music for Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, everyone on the show is saying "I'm sorry."

Fallon went on Twitter to express his regret over the song choice writing, "I'm honored that Michele Bachmann was on our show yesterday and I'm so sorry about the intro mess. I really hope she comes back." Fallon added that the band leader Questlove "is grounded."

Questlove echoed the chorus. In a statement released Tuesday (Nov. 22) he says, "I feel bad if her feelings were hurt. That was not my intention."

Heres what happened
Heres what Michele Bachmann comment

And on Fox News today she said the
Drummer should be fired. But they will not do that when they play it on Republican Women. But what if they play that song for Michele Obama? I Gurantee you the drummer woulld be fired.
Thats what she said SHES RIGHT! Remember Don Imus when he said this about Womens Basketball team
He Got fired for that. You see Theyre are seperate rules for Left wing Liberals and Conservities. Just like Bill Maher can say the N word but Bill OReilly,Sean Hannity,Glenn Beck Or even Rush Lambaugh cant say the N Word. David Letterman, Saturday Night Live and Jimmy Fallon can mock sexist jokes on Republican Women. But Bill OReilly,Sean Hannity,Glenn Beck Or even Rush Lambaugh cant mock jokes liberal democrat women. Just like Newsweek put this on the Cover on their magazine.

Now what if the weekly standard put a sexist photo on Democrat women? Youll get an earfull from the N.O.W Its a Double Standard when it comes between liberal biased networks,Newspapers and magazines.Thats why the News Media is dying. Fox News gets the highest ratings then any of them. You will not get this story on NBC,CBS,ABC,MSNBC or even CNN. They arent any news people like Walter Cronkite anymore. Walter Cronkite was totaly unbiased. He was fair to everybody even to Republicans.
stinging rebuke :rolleyes:

did I miss the part about demanding a dismissal, boycotting advertisers or like that ?

Oh, I see. There happens to be some sort of criteria by which we can all judge when a rebuke has been stinging enough. Do you have this list of criteria? Can I see it?
Feminists arent protesting and demanding the Drummer get fired. But you will not get the Feminists story side on NBC,CBS,ABC,MSNBC or even CNN it will be ignored. Just Al Sharpton wanted IMUS fired for that Nippy Nappy Hoes comment. Al Sharpton wanted FCC to revoke Rush Limbaugh brodcasting license when he called Obama the Magic Negro. And feminists didnt demand CBS to fire David Letterman on that Bristol Palin joke. But Bill OReilly did slip on this one.

And read what the feminists demanded.

Like i said Liberals and Conservities have their own seperate rules for Left wing Liberals and Conservities. Just like Bill Maher can say the N word but Bill OReilly,Sean Hannity,Glenn Beck Or even Rush Lambaugh cant say the N Word. David Letterman, Saturday Night Live and Jimmy Fallon can mock sexist jokes on Republican Women. But Bill OReilly,Sean Hannity,Glenn Beck Or even Rush Lambaugh cant mock jokes liberal democrat women.
If the band had been smart they would have told her to suck there **** if she wanted there votes and grabbed her head...then none of you would care

she didn't want their votes, she was booked by the show producers to appear on the show so that the producers could have content to make money. money to pay the salaries of all the band members.
An interesting perspective from Limbaugh

Playing off Bachmann’s point earlier today that NBC would definitely apologize if Jimmy Fallon and The Roots had treated Michelle Obama the way they treated her, Rush today introduced a fake Mrs. O with Sir Mix-a-Lot’s “Baby Got Back.” You know the one. “I like big butts and I cannot lie” …

When somebody in his studio seems to demur, Rush says, “I get it. One is true and one is not. That’s the difference.” Bold, I tell ya: The man does not back down.

thata why he makes the big bucks...
No Matter what Al Sharpton does he cannot win against Rush. But Sean Hannity and Bill OReilly can play real hardball and provoke the dems if they wanted to and Fox News wont do anything to them. But The Differance is both men of Fox News have class. Something Bill Maher,David Letterman or any left winger would never understand what class means.