Here's the list so far


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2006
Just in case you haven't seen a complete list of those whose hats are officially in the ring as candidates for US President, here's a list:

Democratic candidates (date announced)

Mike Gravel - 4/14/06
Tom Visack - 11/9/06
Dennis Kucinich - 12/29/06
John Edwards - 1/3/07
Chris Dodd - 1/11/07
Barak Obama - 1/16/07
Bill Richardson - 1/22/07
Hillary Clinton - 1/22/07
Joseph Biden - 1/31/07

Republican candidates (date announced)

John McCain - 11/16/06
Mitt Romney - 2/3/07 (according to the site I was looking at)
Ron Paul - 1/7/07
Jim Gilmore - 1/9/07
Tommy Thompson - 1/11/07
Tom Tancredo - 1/22/07
Sam Brownback - 1/22/07
Duncan Hunter - 1/25/07
Mike Huckabee - 1/29/07
Rudy Giuliani - 2/5/07

How many other announcements do you think they'll be?

The website I was looking at was
That seems like a lot this year. I thought that someone else threw his hat into the ring. I cannot remember though who it was? this was just yesterday when I heard this. This is shaping up to be a heck of a race. Thanks for the list.
I thought I would post the polling info from Real Clear Politics as of 2/11/2008:

Democratic Nomination
Clinton 37.7%
Obama 19.2%
Edwards 12.5%
Gore 10.3%

Republican Nomination
McCain 24.7%
Giuliani 32.2%
Romney 6.3%
Gingrich 11.5%
Gore and Gingrich haven't actually declared their intent to run yet. Amazing that people would vote for someone that's not even on the "ballot."

So, do you have a "dream team" you'd like to see paired?
I'd love to see Newt in office. The "Contract with America" was the last time I really thought the republicans were doing awesome work. Its too bad he came off overly cold and didn't last. I got the feeling that Newt's loss in 1998 whipped the "real" republicans into submission, leaving us with the bumbling group running the party now.

In terms of a pairing, how about Giuliani as VP? He brings a likable face, a popular reputation, and great crisis management track record. He's young enough to make the VP to Pres transition in 8 years.
I can't think of anyone else that has announced they are running thus far. This might lead to some mighty interesting campaigning this year.
Newt has said point blank he is not even considering whether or not to run until the fall.

My dream team: a Condi / Newt ticket. I think there is no chance of that happening, but I can wish.