What is exactly why the Democrats won the last years election.George Bush kept on giving the wealthy tax breaks and none of the ordinary people didnt see their paychecks go up nether. Bush Claims the economy is getting better. FOR WHO? Not for the oridnary middle class people it aint getting any better. Its that Stock Market who benitfits the most! Not the ordinary middle class working people.
Steve, I am about as ordinary as you can get, and I got a tax break. I don't know how much you make, but if you make enough so that you even have to pay taxes, you got a break also.
If you didn't see your paycheck go up, there is only one person to blame for that and it is you. If you didn't go to your employer and fill out a new W-4 to reduce the amount of witholdings from your paycheck, then they keep right on taking the same amount as they always did and you will get the money that would have been getting on your paycheck at tax time.
And by the way, there are far more middle class people making money on wall street than there are fat cats as well. Most working people have some sort of retirement plan and where do you think that money is? In jars under their beds? Hell no, it is invested in the stock market.
Well cant have it both ways now can we? The point is the wealthy dont pay their fair share.They look for loopholes around from paying taxes.Like look at Mrs Helmsley gave her 12 million estate to her dog. And only $100,000 to her Butler and car driver. Americans are sick n tired of this. Im sick n tired reading how wealthy people are extempt from paying taxes meanwhile i pay taxes on everything. Everytime i buy gas IM TAXED! I Buy something out of Store IM TAXED! I Get My Car Repaired IM TAXED! So I want a candidate who will turn the tides against the wealthy and give Middle Class people a break.
If you believe that the wealthy don't pay their fair share of taxes, then you, once again, illustrate that you just don't know what you are talking about. Here is a breakdown of who pays the taxes in this country.
The top 1 % make 17.8 percent of the money
The top 1 % pay 24.8 percent of the federal taxes
The top 1 % pay 3.7 percent of the social (payroll) tax
The top 1 % pay 38.8 percent of the income tax
The top 5 % make 30.7 percent of the money
The top 5 % pay 35.4 percent of the federal taxes
The top 5 % pay 11.2 percent of the social (payroll) tax
The top 5 % pay 58.0 percent of the income tax
The top 10 % make 40.6 percent of the money
The top 10 % pay 47.2 percent of federal taxes
The top 10 % pay 19.0 percent of the social (payroll) tax
The top 10 %t pay 68.1 percent of the income tax
The top 20 % make 54.8 percent of the money
The top 20 % pay 60.8 percent of federal taxes
The top 20 % pay 34.3 percent of the social (payroll) tax
The top 20 % pay 81.4 percent of the income tax
The bottom 20 % make 4.0 percent of the money
The bottom 20 % pay 1.2 percent of federal taxes
The bottom 20 % pay 6.0 percent of the social (payroll) tax
The bottom 20 % get back 3.7 percent of the income tax more than they pay in
The rich are already paying way more than their share of the taxes in this country steve. Every attempt to get more from them has resulted in regular people losing their jobs and being hurt financially. The fact is that the rich are smarter than either you or government and you aren't going to get their money. Trying to put a heavier tax burden on them only hurts working people.
You, and people like you are the reason that liberals are the kings of unintended consequences.