House Democrats ready to impeach Trump on 11 January for "incitement of insurrection"

Exactly you couldn't even convince Trump judges
How pathetic is that lol
There is not a judge in the country who has any idea how many voters voted more than once, how many dead people voted, how many illegitimate votes were cast and to what extent voting machines may have provided thousands or more illegal votes. Those who claim judges have proven massive fraud did not occur are lying whether they know it or not.
There is not a judge in the country who has any idea how many voters voted more than once, how many dead people voted, how many illegitimate votes were cast and to what extent voting machines may have provided thousands or more illegal votes. Those who claim judges have proven massive fraud did not occur are lying whether they know it or not.
You can't even convince Trump judges lol
Kou keep mentioning judges. Judges cannot disprove massive evidence of voter fraud. Don't be silly. No judge in the country has even tried that tactic.
Don't be silly only an idiot couldn't convince Trump judges if the election was stolen
Don't be silly only an idiot couldn't convince Trump judges if the election was stolen
Why should anyone care what judges believe about fraud since opinions about fraud not based on evidence gathered in responsible investigations are inadmissible in court or in public.
The false sedition accusation that hundreds of American patriots were falsely charged with instead of the leftist mob who stole the 2020 election by fraud and incited the Jan 6 violence to cover up the voter fraud.
Of course and that is why all the thugs are in jail soon to be followed by Trump.

Have you read about the fake electors Trump tried to install? That's a classic and as ridiculous as Watergate.
Why should anyone care what judges believe about fraud since opinions about fraud not based on evidence gathered in responsible investigations are inadmissible in court or in public.
Because that is judges exact job duh. It's what they are trained and do all the time ...evaluate evidence
What a stupid post lol

If you can't even convince Trump judges then you look like fools lol
Of course and that is why all the thugs are in jail soon to be followed by Trump.

Have you read about the fake electors Trump tried to install? That's a classic and as ridiculous as Watergate.
The matter takes a whole different perspective when the fact of massive 2020 voter fraud is acknowledged.
Because that is judges exact job duh. It's what they are trained and do all the time ...evaluate evidence
What a stupid post lol

If you can't even convince Trump judges then you look like fools lol
Not a single judge disproved massive 2020 voter fraud, but several judges effectively disallowed investigations into the evidence of the fraud.
1. House Democrats are preparing to introduce at least one article of impeachment Monday, according to multiple reports, for "incitement of insurrection," reflecting President Donald Trump's role in inciting a violent insurrection at the US Capitol on Wednesday, when a mob breached the building while seeking to overturn the 2020 presidential election results confirming President-elect Joe Biden as president.

If the House of Representatives initiates impeachment Monday, it'll be the second time Trump faces the process -- making him the first president in history to be impeached twice.

"Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!," Trump tweeted hours after the deadly riot, before Twitter blocked the tweet and, later, permanently banned Trump's Twitter account. Yet again, Trump also made false claims about the presidential election, and he suggested that those who stormed the Capitol were "patriots."

On Friday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called on Trump to step down or face removal.

"It is the hope of Members that the President will immediately resign. But if he does not, I have instructed the Rules Committee to be prepared to move forward with Congressman Jamie Raskin's 25th Amendment legislation and a motion for impeachment," Pelosi said in a statement, referring to a constitutional amendment that establishes a complex process for removing a president from office. "Accordingly, the House will preserve every option -- including the 25th Amendment, a motion to impeach or a privileged resolution for impeachment."....


2. As a Chinese saying goes, "Once a tree collapses, the monkeys will scatter." For four years of his presidency, the lawless president has been shielded from impeachment by his ruling party despite his numerous scandals and conflicts of interest. Once the new administration assumes power, he could no longer rely on his decadent party to shield him from the law. In addition to the deposed Mad King and his family members, actions must be taken at once to prevent the following group of his cronies and corrupt allies from fleeing overseas to escape the clutches of the law:

(a) The unprecedented large group of criminal elements, cronies and GOP allies pardoned by the "Me First" president.

(b) Officials such as Mike Pompeo and Peter Navarro who are under investigation for abusing their posts and violating federal law.

3. The outgoing "Me First" president plans on exploring building his own social media platform in response to Twitter permanently suspending his personal account. In addition, he is backed by 74 million voters who seem to believe he is really the self-declared Messiah or "American brother of Jesus Christ" despite his epic corruption and scandals.

Once the lawless president and other criminal elements of his family, team and ruling party escape overseas, they could easily subvert the new administration and undermine US democracy with his own social media platform as long as he is not called home to his heavenly kingdom by the Divine Being.

Worst of all, instead of being dumped into the dustbin of history, the chances of the unhinged despot and his criminal cronies marching back to the White House in triumph in 2024 are quite high.

Additional Reference:

TDS acting up again.webp
Acknowledged by whom?

You're flogging a dead horse. It's over and Biden is the POTUS. Revenge politics will not work now.
Leftists stole the 2020 election and are now jailing non-violent patriots for years for objecting to the theft. Contrast that with the many go-fund-me sites set up by Democrat politicians to help pay the legal fees of violent offenders who committed horrific atrocities during the summer of love leftist 2020 riots.