How to declare victory in Iraq

Cheshire Cat

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2007
Should we pull all our troops out, all our contractors out and let them rebuild their own country?
Should we pull all our troops out, all our contractors and drop a nuke on Baghdad and let them rebuild their own country?
Why don't you accept in the eyes of the world its your second vietnam already and pulling out wont make any difference. you've ****ed the country, at least under Saddam (who is a total bellend) the people had running water, electricity etc. in cities and a secure environment, even if they did have to obey everything Saddam said.
Should we pull all our troops out, all our contractors out and let them rebuild their own country?
Should we pull all our troops out, all our contractors and drop a nuke on Baghdad and let them rebuild their own country?

Any other options?

A. Seems plausable but I don't think it has to be a simple 'pull out' as adversed to a greater pull out and then slowly pulling out the remaining troops. Besides those contractors will be there way after the troops are out. Not every job is in America's interest in relation to private mercs and other various private contracting.

B. Is ridiculous. I see that someone doesn't mind looking like Iran's worst case scenario. Oh and what an example to the world that would make us....again.

There will be no pull out as this war will go on and on and on. As you may well know, the America opinion on this matters very little unless you are conducting the latest poll for the media. Or perhaps talking in a political forum.

The current administration is all for this war, there is a division in the republicans as some are distancing themeselves from Bush as well as the pro-Iraq war mentality. And the dems are to scared to lose American support to cut funding because there is an election next year.

Its all politics so not much good can come out of it no matter when we pull out. This will be hailed as the worst mistake ever by many people. I reserve my judgement for later.
"that wont work. You also have to have the customary presidential sock to stuff your crotch with.

then, and only then, will it work."
that wont work. You also have to have the customary presidential sock to stuff your crotch with.

then, and only then, will it work.

The Presidential Crotch Sock. Soon to become the only item that even Ebay wouldn't touch.

This whole thing really puts into perspective the whole Clinton/Lewinsky affair. I mean, at least there were people who didn't mind the idea of getting close to Clinton's nads...if it ever came out that George Bush received extra-marital fellatio it wouldn't be a big deal because no one would believe it.

Which one would you prefer as your leader?
Why don't you accept in the eyes of the world its your second vietnam already and pulling out wont make any difference. you've ****ed the country, at least under Saddam (who is a total bellend) the people had running water, electricity etc. in cities and a secure environment, even if they did have to obey everything Saddam said.

You do realize it is the Iraqi people themselves that are damaging their infrastructure right now, don't you?

Which begs the question, why is it America's responsibility to rebuild Iraq? If we have lost as Joe Biden says, and since you want to compare it to Viet Nam, how much rebuilding did we do in VN?
If we have won (Mission Accomplished) why is it our responsibility to rebuild?
There is nothing anywhere that says victors or losers are required to rebuild the infrastructure of another country after a war.