Hugo Chavez


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2007
What is everyones view on Chavez. There isn't a South American sub section so I thought I would put it in the main one.
What is everyones view on Chavez. There isn't a South American sub section so I thought I would put it in the main one.

He's just another idiotic communist thug. If not for the oil their economy would be in trouble. Still, there's no point for the U.S. to intervene. If you just leave communist countries alone, eventually the people will revolt due to poverty or lack of rights.
He's just another idiotic communist thug. If not for the oil their economy would be in trouble. Still, there's no point for the U.S. to intervene. If you just leave communist countries alone, eventually the people will revolt due to poverty or lack of rights.

How much exactly have you researched Chavez besides what you are being fed by your tube? Seriously, all Americans really know is that he doesn't really advance our personal interest.

Just in case you didn't know.... people in Venezula did revolt... a lot of the lower class actually... but guess what? They revolted when Chavez was removed by a coup in order to bring him back. Most people there love him right now.... the only people I see hating him are the upper class there (a small group mind you) and misinformed Americans.
How much exactly have you researched Chavez besides what you are being fed by your tube? Seriously, all Americans really know is that he doesn't really advance our personal interest.

Just in case you didn't know.... people in Venezula did revolt... a lot of the lower class actually... but guess what? They revolted when Chavez was removed by a coup in order to bring him back. Most people there love him right now.... the only people I see hating him are the upper class there (a small group mind you) and misinformed Americans.

Great post.

In America you must get fed the absoloute dirt on Chavez, and anything good ignored or twisted to make it bad. He's made some great moves for his country and against America and you don't like it.
I concur, Chavez is one of my favorite children.

He even turned down Monsanto: an evil corporation that refuses to worship me and instead screws over farmers by selling them patented seeds that have genes I created (yes, they have been able to patent naturally occuring genes just in case you didn't catch that).
How much exactly have you researched Chavez besides what you are being fed by your tube? Seriously, all Americans really know is that he doesn't really advance our personal interest.

I don't care about American interests. What I know about him is that he's a fervent collectivist and claims to be a communist, does he not? That's enough for me to realize he's an idiot. I realize you're probably a communist sympathizer and you actually believe that what he's doing is "for the poor" - LOL - but you're the one buying propaganda, not me.

Just in case you didn't know.... people in Venezula did revolt... a lot of the lower class actually... but guess what? They revolted when Chavez was removed by a coup in order to bring him back. Most people there love him right now....

At one time, most people thought the world was flat. Were they right? There are a lot of ignorant, uninformed people in the world. I imagine if you could rate Chavez's support based on IQ, the dumbest people in the country would love him the most.

the only people I see hating him are the upper class there (a small group mind you)

Imagine that, the business owners and those creating the jobs don't like having their property stolen by this thug... Can't believe it...

You leftists are funny.
I don't care about American interests. What I know about him is that he's a fervent collectivist and claims to be a communist, does he not? That's enough for me to realize he's an idiot. I realize you're probably a communist sympathizer and you actually believe that what he's doing is "for the poor" - LOL - but you're the one buying propaganda, not me.

At one time, most people thought the world was flat. Were they right? There are a lot of ignorant, uninformed people in the world. I imagine if you could rate Chavez's support based on IQ, the dumbest people in the country would love him the most.

Imagine that, the business owners and those creating the jobs don't like having their property stolen by this thug... Can't believe it...

You leftists are funny.

Time for God to get serious.

First of all, your entire post is made up of generazliations backed with no facts. You clearly show to know nothing about Chavez but what is provided to you by the American media.

What does IQ have to do with anything? You do know the person with the highest IQ is an asshole bartender who thinks he is superior to everyone else right? IQ is not a real measure of intelligence, please reconsider your entire sense of reality if you think it is.

The rich in a country like Venezuela are the worse. They just get old wealth and there is virtually no way to rise up, now Chavez is redistributing wealth like the USA should have redistributed wealth right after slavery was abolished. If you wait too long it seems unfair.
Chavez has paved the way for conspiracy theorists by his psychotic rants that George W. Bush is personally trying to kill him. I can gaurantee you that if he has a heart attack in a few months there will be tons of people blaming the U.S. government.

Aside from having severe dilusions, he has done very little to help Venezuela as a whole. Those with money enough to leave have already done so. There is no wealth left to distrubute except for the industries Chavez has stolen, oh wait, nationalized.
I'm not one for conspiracy theories, they are generally hilarious, but if you are the leader of a country going againt America, a nation who has

supported coups all over the world,

a thirst for oil

a hatred of communism

a track record of messy wars

you can't blame Chavez for expecting America to get him out of power violently.
I'm not one for conspiracy theories, they are generally hilarious, but if you are the leader of a country going againt America, a nation who has

supported coups all over the world,

a thirst for oil

a hatred of communism

a track record of messy wars

you can't blame Chavez for expecting America to get him out of power violently.

Does the President of China fear assassination? No. China holds a lot more leverage over America than Venezuela ever could. America has every reason to want regime change in China, from the freedom of Taiwan, to China's leverage over the U.S. dollar, but nobody is speculating that the U.S. will kill Hu Jintao. That's because Hu Jintao is not an a psychotic madman like Hugo Chavez is. When you flatly come out and say "if I die, it is because I was killed by America" it simply shows his paranoid delusions.
I'm not quite sure on where you stand, but from what I've heard so far I'd say the feeling is mutual about you, but I'm not going to generalise you with everyone else you associate yourself with.

Do you like the Communist Chavez or not? Simple question. Do you like his policy of stealing property from other people or not? Again, a simple question.

I'm not trying to generalize anybody. I just can't get you guys to give me a straight answer on this. Wonder why?... ;)
Time for God to get serious.

Surely you're joking... Which troll are you by the way? Is this madhur? I noticed you appeared after Fonz appeared so I assume Rokerijdude posted a link on Speak Free America and so now you've come to spread your idiocy here.

First of all, your entire post is made up of generazliations backed with no facts. You clearly show to know nothing about Chavez but what is provided to you by the American media.

Well, then by all means, why don't you provide some facts from an unbiased source and show Chavez's specific policies? Why all the obfuscation?

What I know has been reported by the media - and not just the American media - that the man seizes and steals private property in the name of the government, at gunpoint if necessary. He is a thief and a thug who uses force to achieve his political goals. He is no one to be admired.

What does IQ have to do with anything?

According to some scholars, it can have quite a bit to do with things.

You do know the person with the highest IQ is an asshole bartender who thinks he is superior to everyone else right?

I never implied a high IQ makes one infallible...

IQ is not a real measure of intelligence, please reconsider your entire sense of reality if you think it is.

Please stop with the Straw Men. I never claimed IQ was the sole decider of anything. But there are political trends that can be measured. For example - academics, children, the uneducated and single women tend to favor collectivism. High level academics probably don't have low IQ's - but they are isolated from the "real world" and many have no experience in the private sector - to actually have to produce results in an economy.

The rich in a country like Venezuela are the worse. They just get old wealth and there is virtually no way to rise up,

But you guys hate the rich in every country. Even in countries where one can "rise up." It's you collectivists that have made it harder to rise up. Without the income tax and without the inflation of fiat currency, the poor were more able to rise from poverty, as many had done in America. Now, it's much harder for people to rise up as they can't save as much due to taxes and inflation.

now Chavez is redistributing wealth like the USA should have redistributed wealth right after slavery was abolished. If you wait too long it seems unfair.

LOL. No one has a right to redistribute anything by force, you little thief. Stop worrying about other people and work to improve your own life.