I was once a republican supporter


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
But the Republicans caused me to vote for the democratic party because they failed to work with the democrats on over riding his veto on stem cell research cause im deaf i wanna hear again. I had my hearing 4 years ago and i wanna hear again so badly. I really do hate George Bush i really do. Im begining to belive that Hugo Chavez was right about him. Hes the Devil!! The Devil is in that white house. And that Devil doesnt care about anybody else but himself. And Congress cant impeach him which they should! Thats why im Voting for Hillary in 08!! So when democrats control the goverment again people can get help again.
Wow...and I thought you were a complete neuter brain. Maybe not. I'm on you with the stem cell research, I never draw party lines myself, I always vote for those I agree with and abstain if I don't know any of the candidates. It's only right. But stem cell research would be a boon for not only you, but myself, being diabetic... Let's end this thread though before pailrider comes in and sends it into a cesspool of "unreligious" dogma.
I think it should be debated futher. Were in the 21st century the advancement decade. We have made progress on building cars,Lights, Appliances,TVs,Puters and Made Living Easier during the 20th century. Now its time to build advancement in Medical Equipment by solving dieases and some handicaps. This is the decade to advance futher.
Completely independent of the issue of stem cell research (on which I have no opinion), do you actually believe he's the devil just because he did something that is of no benefit to you?
Well he certainly shows he cares about nobody else except himself. But ill gurantee you this. If his dad needed a heart bypass or his mom or his wife laura gets breast cancer ill bet he`ll change his mind.
I could be mistaken but... Did George Bush ban anyone in the Untied from doing any type of stem cell research, or did he ban Embryonic stem cell research that is paid by the federal government? But if a comany wanted to do Embryonic research, they can do it, just on thier own dime. While there is federal funding for regluar stem cell research.

I have heard from doctors in interviews that regluar stem cell research has acutally worked in some cases. (Using a persons own stem cells.) but Embryonic so far when tried has not produced results, just tumors and rejection from the body.
I could be mistaken but... Did George Bush ban anyone in the Untied from doing any type of stem cell research, or did he ban Embryonic stem cell research that is paid by the federal government? But if a comany wanted to do Embryonic research, they can do it, just on thier own dime. While there is federal funding for regluar stem cell research.

I have heard from doctors in interviews that regluar stem cell research has acutally worked in some cases. (Using a persons own stem cells.) but Embryonic so far when tried has not produced results, just tumors and rejection from the body.

this isn't even shrouded enough to be considered a proxy attack on companies doing said research. Why would they do the research and lose funding when the government can pay for other research? Think about it. They're still businesses while their products often are to the benefit of mankind, they don't do it for good karma, they do it for money. So revoking government grants for research will effectively stifle it. Yes, George Bush did, and we wasn't even quiet about it.