If we adopted Canada's national health care system, where would sick Canadians go?

USMC the Almighty

Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2007

TORONTO--"I haven't seen 'Sicko,' " says Avril Allen about the new Michael Moore documentary, which advocates socialized medicine for the United States. The film, which has been widely viewed on the Internet, and which will officially open in the U.S. and Canada on Friday, has been getting rave reviews. But Ms. Allen, a lawyer, has no plans to watch it. She's just too busy preparing to file suit against Ontario's provincial government about its health-care system next month.

Her client, Lindsay McCreith, would have had to wait for four months just to get an MRI, and then months more to see a neurologist for his malignant brain tumor. Instead, frustrated and ill, the retired auto-body shop owner traveled to Buffalo, N.Y., for a lifesaving surgery. Now he's suing for the right to opt out of Canada's government-run health care, which he considers dangerous.

Ms. Allen figures the lawsuit has a fighting chance: In 2005, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that "access to wait lists is not access to health care," striking down key Quebec laws that prohibited private medicine and private health insurance.
The most lucrative medical practises in this country are just south of the Canadian border.

If you are a new medical practitioner and want to make big bucks and quickly, you need to set up shop in N. Michigan or Montana or N. Dakota. Canadians who have the cash are crossing the border in record numbers to pay for treatment that the Canadian medical system classifies as "Elective". Instead of waiting years and getting it done free, many Canadians cross the border and pay instead of waiting.

Canadians also prefer the quality of medical care in the US to Canadian care. They report the medical practitioners are better trained, better equipped and more professional.

Ask a Canadian citizen if we should adopt their health care system. The answer, without hesitation, will be "Hell No".
You're rigtht invest07. This is going to be the coming debate as more people see Michael Moore's film in which he glorifies the Canadia helathcare system.
glorify this

This is going to be the coming debate as more people see Michael Moore's film in which he glorifies the Canadia helathcare system.
He is not glorifying Canada's health care system...he is glorifying the 36 health care systems that the World Health Organization has rated as better than the U.S. system. We can be proud that we are right behind Costa Rica.
The U.S. does have the best health care system in the world...if you are wealthy.
He is not glorifying Canada's health care system...he is glorifying the 36 health care systems that the World Health Organization has rated as better than the U.S. system. We can be proud that we are right behind Costa Rica.
The U.S. does have the best health care system in the world...if you are wealthy.

I guess you must be referring to this article, or one like it.

Are there any Canadians on this forum? If so, would you trade your health care system for that of the US?

I asked that same question on another forum, and got no takers.

While there may be some wealthy Canadians who cross the border for cosmetic surgery and the like, those ads that played when the US was discussing "Hillarycare" showing busloads of Canadians crossing the border for medical care was just busloads of crap.
Did you read the article I posted?

Do you mean the one that yielded:

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He is not glorifying Canada's health care system...he is glorifying the 36 health care systems that the World Health Organization has rated as better than the U.S. system. We can be proud that we are right behind Costa Rica.
The U.S. does have the best health care system in the world...if you are wealthy.
Well if this is true then how did I slip through the cracks? I am by no means wealthy but have a very good PPO.


TORONTO--"I haven't seen 'Sicko,' " says Avril Allen about the new Michael Moore documentary, which advocates socialized medicine for the United States. The film, which has been widely viewed on the Internet, and which will officially open in the U.S. and Canada on Friday, has been getting rave reviews. But Ms. Allen, a lawyer, has no plans to watch it. She's just too busy preparing to file suit against Ontario's provincial government about its health-care system next month.

Her client, Lindsay McCreith, would have had to wait for four months just to get an MRI, and then months more to see a neurologist for his malignant brain tumor. Instead, frustrated and ill, the retired auto-body shop owner traveled to Buffalo, N.Y., for a lifesaving surgery. Now he's suing for the right to opt out of Canada's government-run health care, which he considers dangerous.

Ms. Allen figures the lawsuit has a fighting chance: In 2005, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that "access to wait lists is not access to health care," striking down key Quebec laws that prohibited private medicine and private health insurance.

A few isolated cases isn't very convincing. As for where Canadians would prefer to go, I would hope the US would be on the long list. Our healthcare system is joke compared to other countries.
I don't know why it's not working, but just read the little part I posted. It disproves your theory that there aren't any Canadians who would prefer American health care.

I'm sure that if you looked hard enough, you would find a few Canadians who would prefer American health care, but none of them have posted on any of the forums I visit. Overall, I seriously doubt that the Canadians would elect to ditch their system for ours.
I want a National Health Care system like CANADA DOES.And Low cost prescription drugs. How america can pay for it? TAX THE WEALTHY!!!! Like i want a 10% Sales Tax on Luxery items like Jewlery,Boats,Homes over $500,000,Private Jets,Limos Cars over $50,000 and on Luxery Condos.
I want a National Health Care system like CANADA DOES.And Low cost prescription drugs. How america can pay for it? TAX THE WEALTHY!!!! Like i want a 10% Sales Tax on Luxery items like Jewlery,Boats,Homes over $500,000,Private Jets,Limos Cars over $50,000 and on Luxery Condos.

Take the approximate number of taxpayers in this great and wealthy land: around a hundred million.

Take the expenditures proposed by both the Bush Administration and the Congressional Democrats (the same amount, just different priorities): 2.9 trillion.

Now divide it up equally, and you get $29,000 per taxpayer.

Compare that figure to the amount of federal taxes you pay, then tell us if we're taxing the wealthy already.
The rich pay no taxes,Only the lil people pay taxes. Just ask Mrs Helmsley.

How do you explain that $29,000 per taxpayer average? Are you paying that much? My income is quite a ways above the median, and my deductions are quite a lot below the median, but I'm not paying anywhere close to the average. Someone has to be making up the difference.