If we adopted Canada's national health care system, where would sick Canadians go?

Wanna know how much Hollywood celebrities are paying? Below $50,000 THATS TOO LITTLE!!! They should be paying above $500,000 towards the IRS.
Wanna know how much Hollywood celebrities are paying? Below $50,000 THATS TOO LITTLE!!! They should be paying above $500,000 towards the IRS.

Any specific Hollywood celebrities? Who are they? How much did they make? How do you know how much they make? Your post has no details.
Well FYI Billionare Mrs Hemsley claims she paid $150,000 to the IRS Well THATS NOT ENOUGH FOR BILLIONARES TO PAY. People who make obly $30,000 an income pay $6,000 THATS TOO MUCH!!!! You figure it out.
Well FYI Billionare Mrs Hemsley claims she paid $150,000 to the IRS Well THATS NOT ENOUGH FOR BILLIONARES TO PAY. People who make obly $30,000 an income pay $6,000 THATS TOO MUCH!!!! You figure it out.
As I am not wealthy, I have little sympathy for them on tax day. Having said that, are you aware that the top 50% of wage earners pay 96 percent of the taxes? I found this interesting - the top 1% of wage earners pay over 34 percent of all income taxes. Taxes suck but what do you want?

As I am not wealthy, I have little sympathy for them on tax day. Having said that, are you aware that the top 50% of wage earners pay 96 percent of the taxes? I found this interesting - the top 1% of wage earners pay over 34 percent of all income taxes. Taxes suck but what do you want?


I want Real Reform. And a much fair system than the IRS. Abolish the IRS replace them with real tax people not a bunch of beaucrats.
So you want a healthcare system so you can turn up after destroying your body with McDonalds because you don't have the willpower to stop yourself, costing the taxpayer money whilst you complain that you pay too much tax?
So you want a healthcare system so you can turn up after destroying your body with McDonalds because you don't have the willpower to stop yourself, costing the taxpayer money whilst you complain that you pay too much tax?

I want the wealthy to pay their fair share! But its a drop in the bucket to the wealthy. You heard what Randy Moss said to the press when he had to pay a $10,000 fine to the NFL. He said,, Quote,, WHATS $10,000 TO ME? I want taxes stick it to the rich so it will mean something to em.
I want the wealthy to pay their fair share! But its a drop in the bucket to the wealthy. You heard what Randy Moss said to the press when he had to pay a $10,000 fine to the NFL. He said,, Quote,, WHATS $10,000 TO ME? I want taxes stick it to the rich so it will mean something to em.

Steveox, you're really unbelievable.

The way I see it, those who lobby for high taxes and strict regulation of the "wealthy" don't really have a leg to stand on when they complain about the same people outsource their wealth and businesses overseas.

Don't like outsourcing, then lower taxes. Give people an incentive to keep their money here and create more wealth in this country.

Soaking the rich is a terrible philosophy, and history has proven this time and again.
Then why tax the lil people? Why dont we just make Cuts like Russia does. Cut everything. No more new roads.No More New Schools,No more new libraries.No more new anything!!! and that way we dont complain when a local politican says Well.. We gotta raise the property and sales taxes.
Then why tax the lil people? Why dont we just make Cuts like Russia does. Cut everything. No more new roads.No More New Schools,No more new libraries.No more new anything!!! and that way we dont complain when a local politican says Well.. We gotta raise the property and sales taxes.

No, steveox, we can cut the taxes across the board and still maintain infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc.). The key to this is cutting federal spending in other areas, such as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare.

As for education, I believe that should be left up to the states. You have to keep in mind the Founders' intent of what the federal government was created to do: provide for the common defense. That's pretty much it.

They wanted to keep the states powerful for two reasons:

(1) To prevent a tyrannical federal government from coming to power and (2) so the states would compete with each other, forcing one another to continuously improve and create conditions that people want to live under.
Well if this is true then how did I slip through the cracks? I am by no means wealthy but have a very good PPO.


I guess if you are not on welfare then you must be wealthy.

Seriously, just about everybody in the US has access to good health care. Even those who just snuck into the country yesterday can walk into any emergency room in the country and get treated.

So who falls through the cracks? The people who snuck into the country yesterday can get emergency treatment but they can't get annual physicals, checkups, preventive care, or elective procedures. Unless they find the right free clinic.

The people on welfare also cannot have some elective procedures paid for on tax dollars either.

Really, I am not too concerned about this level of lack of health care.
I want the wealthy to pay their fair share! But its a drop in the bucket to the wealthy. You heard what Randy Moss said to the press when he had to pay a $10,000 fine to the NFL. He said,, Quote,, WHATS $10,000 TO ME? I want taxes stick it to the rich so it will mean something to em.

If by fair share you mean the same percent of their income or a higher percent - then they are paying it.

If by fair you mean paying enough so that you can get whatever you want for free then there is nothing fair about that.
Then why tax the lil people? Why dont we just make Cuts like Russia does. Cut everything. No more new roads.No More New Schools,No more new libraries.No more new anything!!! and that way we dont complain when a local politican says Well.. We gotta raise the property and sales taxes.

You just said that you would like a fair tax system. So we tax lil people so that everyone pays fairly. As it is, after deductions and so forth a person can make a lot of money and not pay federal taxes on it.
Then why tax the lil people? Why dont we just make Cuts like Russia does. Cut everything. No more new roads.No More New Schools,No more new libraries.No more new anything!!! and that way we dont complain when a local politican says Well.. We gotta raise the property and sales taxes.

I agree. We could cut a lot and be just fine if not better.