Iraq wants a US timetable for withdraw

top gun

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2007
Ohio, USA
Iraqi officials... the duly elected Iraqi government... are adamant that they want a timetable for a US (or as they call us Foreign Fighters) withdraw out of THEIR country.

John McBush basically says... not so fast... we decide when we leave... we do whatever we want!

John McBush everyday shows himself to be as bad and quite possibly worse than George Bush.

Now democracy in places even other than America depends on his defeat!

[]Iraqi officials... the duly elected Iraqi government... are adamant that they want a timetable for a US (or as they call us Foreign Fighters) withdraw out of THEIR country.

John McBush basically says... not so fast... we decide when we leave... we do whatever we want!

John McBush everyday shows himself to be as bad and quite possibly worse than George Bush.

Now democracy in places even other than America depends on his defeat!


For about three years, appeasers have denigrated the existence of a legitimate government in Iraq - now they hear something they like, and suddenly it's the "duly elected Iraqi government". :D The US has put too much into that country to leave before the time is right - the US should leave on a jointly-agreed upon schedule. And an appeaser speaking in favor of democracy is chutzpah squared. :rolleyes:
For about three years, appeasers have denigrated the existence of a legitimate government in Iraq - now they hear something they like, and suddenly it's the "duly elected Iraqi government". :D The US has put too much into that country to leave before the time is right - the US should leave on a jointly-agreed upon schedule. And an appeaser speaking in favor of democracy is chutzpah squared. :rolleyes:

That debate was over should we have went and invaded a sovereign country on a series of well orchestrated (and now quite documented) Bush/Cheney administration lies. Most now feel that we shouldn't have.

The fact is the US went in to Iraq to set up a puppet government (this is nothing at all new as we did a very similar thing in the past with a US sponsored overthrow of the elected Iranian leader and installation of a leader of our prefferance... The Shah of Iran).

Of course over time the Iranians did take back their country. This is the situation that baffles John McSame today. He knows the only way to control Iraq is to keep a war and an occupation going. If not the indigenous people will without doubt take back their country for their own purposes just like the eventual overthrow of the Shah of Iran.

But when even THE CURRENT PUPPET GOVERNMENT wants the United States out of their country this should tell everyone something about us staying in Iraq for 100 years or more as John McSame has purposed.

Do me a favor and just be honest on this one point. Think if tomorrow China invaded America and was hell bent on forcing America to be a type of Chinese satellite state. Would you EVER stop wanting to snipe off the Chinese occupiers?

Nope... and neither would I and neither will the indigenous people of Iraq.

It's like sand squeezed too tightly in your fist. The tighter you grip the more sand that falls from your fingers.

Seriously 5-6 years of occupation is long enough... it really is time to redeploy... save our own economy and focus on the real 9-11 terrorists in Afghanistan.
Are the Governments of Germany, France and Japan puppet governments?

How long have we been in those countries? 60+ years?

Is it your opinion we should just leave Iran alone to develop Nuclear weapons and long range missiles?

I am curious as to your answers but please spare me the usual speeches.
Iraqi officials... the duly elected Iraqi government... are adamant that they want a timetable for a US (or as they call us Foreign Fighters) withdraw out of THEIR country.

John McBush basically says... not so fast... we decide when we leave... we do whatever we want!

John McBush everyday shows himself to be as bad and quite possibly worse than George Bush.

Now democracy in places even other than America depends on his defeat!

I just love the way you selectively try to pick gnat-s*** out of pepper to try to prop up your totally unsupportable accusations. It's especially fun when you don't even bother to post a link to a story. So, in order to keep things in their PROPER CONTEXT, here's the story from the Washington Post. Please note on page 2 of the story the most salient fact of all:
Washington Post Article said:
"At the same time, Bush has often said he would go along with the Iraqi government's wishes. "It's their government's choice," Bush said in May 2007. "If they were to say, 'Leave,' we would leave."
So, simply put, Mowaffak al-Rubaie is playing politics, and pandering to the hard liners like Sadr, because if the Iraqi government REALLY wanted us gone, all they'd have to do is pass a resolution in their legislature telling us to leave, and we'd be gone.
That debate was over should we have went and invaded a sovereign country on a series of well orchestrated (and now quite documented) Bush/Cheney administration lies. Most now feel that we shouldn't have.

Wacko appeasers like you have NEVER proven a lie, all you can do is endlessly repeat your lies. The "sovereign country" (:D) was ruled by a dictator.

The fact is the US went in to Iraq to set up a puppet government (this is nothing at all new as we did a very similar thing in the past with a US sponsored overthrow of the elected Iranian leader and installation of a leader of our prefferance... The Shah of Iran).

This is another appeaser lie, and the appeasers with IQs over 80, admittedly a minority, have stopped reapeating it. Free and fair elections for a new constitution were held in Iraq, followed by elections for parliament that had a higher voter turnout than US elections. :rolleyes: Your comment is especially stupid because you start out saying that the iraqi government wants the US to leave - why would it do that if it were a "puppet government"? You are all twisted up in your dimwitted appeaser self-contradictions. :D