Iraqi Defector 'Curveball' Identified


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2007
Iraqi Defector 'Curveball' Identified

"The Iraqi defector code-named “Curveball,” whose false tales of biological weapons labs bolstered the U.S. case for war, wasn’t the prominent chemical engineer he claimed to be and invented stories to help his case for asylum in Germany, a new report says."

Rest of Article Here

Wow, I'm shocked! You mean the U.S. bolstered its case for war based on false information???? Golly gee, Walley, I thought everything was on the up and up...
Last week you had Gen. Petraeus showing around Iraqi Ahmed Chalabi to American troops. Before the war, Chalabi provided faulty intelligence on Iraq’s supposed weapons programs, helping launch the war. He was investigated for allegations that he passed intelligence to Iran, “wrongdoing that could have endangered American troops and American lives,” according to Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL). You have to wonder why such wrongdoing is not only forgiven, but rewarded.
Id like to know who leaked his name. Right, wrong or indifferent, releasing the public name of an intelligence agent is tantamount to treason. It was with Plame, it was with Hanson. It doesnt matter what he said has been discredited, it is unwise to print the names of these people.
Id like to know who leaked his name. Right, wrong or indifferent, releasing the public name of an intelligence agent is tantamount to treason. It was with Plame, it was with Hanson. It doesnt matter what he said has been discredited, it is unwise to print the names of these people.

I don't know about that Bunz. If he knowingly gave false information, hence, endangering American lives, I think he should be exposed. Anyway, it was all on 60 Minutes tonight.
I don't know about that Bunz. If he knowingly gave false information, hence, endangering American lives, I think he should be exposed. Anyway, it was all on 60 Minutes tonight.

I didnt see the show. TV out here for quite awhile now. I do understand your point. I am not saying he is a good guy and he probably has a certain amount of blood on his hands over the whole deal.

I guess I am saying that this sets a dangerous precedence on this sort of thing. Leaking his name, directly puts his life in danger. When things like this happen, actual good potential foreign intelligence sources will think twice.

Its just not wise to let politics interfere with espionage.