Is Biden the most qualified?


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2007
What are everyone's thoughts on him? Obviously he has a slim to none chance of winning the nomination. But is he the most qualified democrat running? Is he the most electable Democrat running?

I thought he did another excellent job in the debates last night. Even though the time was dominated by the big 3. Unfortunately the only part that gets coverage by the media was his Giulliani "zinger".

as for the rest of the debate. Hillary finally showed some cracks, but continued to skirt the issues and avoid talking about policy. Obama fell on his face again. Edwards gave his best performance yet. Biden was the only 2nd tier guy to stand out.
I wont disagree
I think Biden would make a fine President. I wasnt impressed overall with Richardson, Edwards did alright. Obama and Hillary treaded water Dodd scored well, Kucinich needs to brush up on reality.
Yeah I try to catch them when there are on. I actually prefer the GOP debates more for the laugh factor. I wish the formats were different. They ask the top 3-4 questions as the focus. There is nothing at all close to fairness in air time.
There are a lot of things to like about Biden. Though I don't agree with him on all the issues, he definitely comes across well. You would think his name would be on the short list for VP. Edwards however, remains my favorite.
God I dont want another Clinton. Nor Bush. This is gonna turn out like a bad version of a "Friends" spin-off series if Hillary wins.
There are a lot of things to like about Biden. Though I don't agree with him on all the issues, he definitely comes across well. You would think his name would be on the short list for VP. Edwards however, remains my favorite.

I think Biden is a logical candidate for Secretary of State. He's the only one with a real SOLUTION for Iraq.
Regardless, if the democrats are to win...As future cabinet members, you will see Richardson, Gen. Clark, Biden, Byah, possibly Edwards in various capacities. This is on the assumption that Hillary or Obama win the nomination
You mean a Paul administration would actually have a Defense Department?

Hey Jarhead...
Im just going to use you as an example, but I have seen a lot of other wise dead set GOP guys not be a fan of his. Why is this? I think America is ready for a dark horse. He could win if his own party would get behind him.

I dont necessarily like is very small government deal, but I dont think he has the executive power to dismantle large departments(Maher mentioned dept of Ed) as he would dream. I doubt that is something he would actually get done if he were to be elected.

All I am saying is that I want new blood. Fresh start. I have seen to much Hillary...bad taste in my mouth. Tired of Rudy. No chance in hell for Romney, Id like to hear more Obama. Im curious about Ron Paul.

Ultimately though, the parties have hijacked the entire election process. Those who are most qualified rarely win in Presidential elections.
Sure, Bunz. My opinion on RP comes down to this: I love his domestic policy and I think he would set this country on the right path domestically not only for his term or two, but into the future by gutting a lot of the expensive and inefficient bureacratic BS (at least that's what he says he'll do). He's also a very humble and principled man which is a rare quality in a politician. I believe he's the only one to vote against raising Congressional pay, he doesn't take the gov't pension and he refused to use government money to send his kids to school. In short, I like the man a lot and adore his domestic position and his philosophy on the role of government. He would make an outstanding peacetime president.

There are two things I don't like about him:

(1) his "foreign policy" -- it has many flaws in it and isn't anything remotely close to solution-oriented. He's all about blaming the U.S. for every attack we sustain. While, in some cases, he may have a valid historical argument it is not very productive or helpful in the modern fight against terrorism. Bluntly, he doesn't understand jihad and that's dangerous in a president.

(2) his supporters -- most of them are spamming, tin-foil hat wearing, obscene, obnoxious, obtuse, conspiracy theorists and do nothing but turn away substantial amount of voters. I just can't see myself aligning with the majority of these people.
(1) his "foreign policy" -- it has many flaws in it and isn't anything remotely close to solution-oriented. He's all about blaming the U.S. for every attack we sustain. While, in some cases, he may have a valid historical argument it is not very productive or helpful in the modern fight against terrorism. Bluntly, he doesn't understand jihad and that's dangerous in a president.

Please explain how he is wrong in this regard.