Is the ACLU a force of good, or an extremist organization?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2006
Does the ACLU go too far in its pursuit of Civil rights?
Many people have critisized the tactics of the American Civil Liberties Union… Do you think the ACLU crosses the line between protecting rights that should be protected, and pushing the PC envelope?
I personally do not agree with all the cases they have taken though on the whole I believe they are a positive organization and have done a lot to fight for many of the rights we take for granted (ie freedom of speech etc) and have made a positive contrubution to society. They do defend all parts of the political spectrum (including conservatives and the religious right) when they feel their rights are coming under fire as well.

As for pushing the PC envelope while I do think perhaps they do so sometimes (ie wether or not their is a cross somewhere on public lands in my opinion is probably something I couldn't care less about) but they have defended religious freedom in other areas where it may have been more significant.
They do defend all parts of the political spectrum (including conservatives and the religious right) when they feel their rights are coming under fire as well.

Just mention a second amendment issue and the ACLU will decline to defend it. The ACLU interprets the second amendment differently that Republicans. They see it as the state owning firearms not individuals.
Hi Brandon

I am not sure if this is the right thread or not to debate gun control or not though personally I do not see the need for so many people to own guns. perhaps at one point in our history it was necessary but I think that things may be changing. i could see perhaps a case for self defense but i am not sure if a gun will make you more safer.

As for the ACLU I don't believe they take a stance on it one way or the other but it simply isn't one of their issues (just as the NRA doesn't consider free speech one of their issues). Anyways I do know the ACLU has represented conservatives in the past which is what I did mean by the comment to avoid confusion.


There is a thread for gun control debate... and it is more of a matter of having a constitutionally protected right than a necessity per say.
And I think the ACLU is a bit too choosy considering they are supposedly protectors of ALL civil liberties, included in which is the right to bear arms. Where as the NRA was created specifically to deal with gun and rifle related issues, hence the name, National Rifle Association.
I realize this is not a gun control debate. I was just clearly giving an example where the ACLU does nothing to protect the 2nd amendment. The ACLU's backbone is the bill of rights and the second amendment clearly falls within that zone.

The ACLU in my honest opinion takes on lots of cases that are nothing more than controversial. All fluff no meat. An example of this would be the NAMBLA case. Another point is that the ACLU takes on issues not relevant to the protection of the Bill of Rights. Abortion cases would be the defining example here.

I don't agree with the ACLU on things outside of the Bill of Rights but I would hardly call them a terrorist organization.
i don't disagree with you that they do take on a lot of contrivertal cases and many that are all fluff no meat but i also feel they have helped on many issues including things like freedom of speech and religion. I think their would be far fewer rights without them in these areas.



The ACLU in my honest opinion takes on lots of cases that are nothing more than controversial. All fluff no meat. An example of this would be the NAMBLA case. Another point is that the ACLU takes on issues not relevant to the protection of the Bill of Rights. Abortion cases would be the defining example here.
Exactly Brandon, They seem to be looking more for people to pay attention to them than to ensure they do good work for the public. Isn't their goal supposed to be to protect those who need protecting? It seems to me more like their mission statement at this point is to find the most controversial cases they can, and jump right in.
I don't agree with all the cases they have taken on, but we need them desperately to continue their work.