All one need do is look at the daily news to determine that islam is evil. The apologists for islam never cease to amaze me.
You treat "evil" as an absolute. Evil is defined by society and our two societies - Western and Islamic - define it very, very differently. By our standards they may be considered evil (although I don't consider most Muslims to be evil, but that's my personal opinion). By their standards they consider us to be evil. There is no way for either of us to objectively refer to the other as evil because there is no absolute definition of the term.
You treat "evil" as an absolute. Evil is defined by society and our two societies - Western and Islamic - define it very, very differently. By our standards they may be considered evil (although I don't consider most Muslims to be evil, but that's my personal opinion). By their standards they consider us to be evil. There is no way for either of us to objectively refer to the other as evil because there is no absolute definition of the term.

By most muslim standards the Islamist arent all that great, the Islamist make up only about 0.02% of the population. Most are more moderate and just want to worship as they please and live in peace.
I am very good friends with two Muslims. They don't fight, they don't drink, they don't smoke, they don't do drugs, they revoke terrorism, and they don't ever try and force their religion on me (however, a lot of Christian people I know try and do that).

Tell me what is so evil about my friends.
Eh I don't know, evil is a word that often defines a reason to be bad, deadly, terrorist, and personally I don't think anyone has a good enough reason to be evil and there is little validity to the word itself.

How about you be more specific in who exactly are the evil ones. A whole religion? Or rationally speaking, certain groups or people in such religion?

Its fairly easy to just walk on saying, 'well their evil' but ultimately it is just a mass generalization that isn't true and has little validity itself.

Every religion possess some evil elements I am sure, some more than others, especially lately but in the same context, sweeping generalizations however, can be labeled the same thing as evil since ultimately they are destructive, ignorant, and a cop out.
I am very good friends with two Muslims. They don't fight, they don't drink, they don't smoke, they don't do drugs, they revoke terrorism, and they don't ever try and force their religion on me (however, a lot of Christian people I know try and do that).

Tell me what is so evil about my friends.

You've had Christians try to FORCE their religion on you? You know very well that isn't true. They may bring up their religion and try to introduce their faith to you, but they're not forcing anything. Forcing is if you don't join I slaughter your family or throw you in prison. I think you have failed to make your point.
By most muslim standards the Islamist arent all that great, the Islamist make up only about 0.02% of the population. Most are more moderate and just want to worship as they please and live in peace.

Regardless, their culture is quite separate from ours, with a whole different values set. Who are we to judge them? If they come here and start blowing us up, then yes - that gives us the authority to punish those who have violated us. Otherwise...calling Islam evil is exactly like all those lovely Europeans who justified slavery by calling black Africans "savages" or the Americans who justified Indian removal the same way.

Note that some Indian tribes in America (we arrogantly refer to them as the "Four Civilized Tribes" today) did make an attempt at "modernization" after the USA took the reigns of government in North America. Those four tribes were deported anyway, along a little something we call the Trail of Tears. Why were they deported? Why, because they were Indians, and no matter what modern attempts they made at reform, Indians were still just savages to the American people.

Similarly, modern Muslims who are peaceful and just want to be left alone are still associated with Islam, which in pale rider's eyes is "evil." Never mind that they don't do the horrible things the extremists do - their association with Islam is enough. Is this a fair representation of their religion? No, it's a Western representation - a biased interpretation of a foreign culture in which we judge them by our values.

Islam is not "evil." It's just different.
You've had Christians try to FORCE their religion on you? You know very well that isn't true. They may bring up their religion and try to introduce their faith to you, but they're not forcing anything. Forcing is if you don't join I slaughter your family or throw you in prison. I think you have failed to make your point.

Excuse me, but who do you think you are telling me what has happened in my life. TRUST ME, because I've lived it, I REGULARLY get Christians forcing their religious beliefs on me, while I've never had a Muslim do it. So IT IS TRUE, what do you think you are, some kind of superhuman who sees everything in peoples lifes? Jesus bloody Christ.

And my Muslim friends have never done anything that you associate the evils of Islam with. I have made a point, while you have decided that you know what happened in my life...
"All one need do is look at the daily news to determine that islam is evil. The apologists for islam never cease to amaze me."

More 2-dimensional thinking!
"Oh...the World is black and're either with us or against either believe what I do or you're wrong...all Muslims are evil terrorists...blah, blah, blah."--My impression of Democratlupis and Plaerider.
You're absolutely right 9sublime. I've never had any of my Syrian Muslim, African Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, or Buddhist (well except for one guy that's pretty stubborn about Buddhism being the only way) friends ever come close to forcing their views on me. On the other hand, have you ever had a theological conversation with a Southern Baptist, a Pentecostal, or any of these 'non-denominational' folks? Whoa! Have you ever received mail flyers from the Mormons or ever been visited by the Jehova's Witnesses? Um...I'm CERTAIN Founders Intent has absolutely no idea what he/she is talking about telling you that Christians haven't forced their views on you (I'm Christian by the way, so don't think I'm biased against them...they DO force their stuff on others more than I've seen anyone else do period).
Well Founders Intent, are you going to come back to what I said, you could say something like "You've never visited London" to me seeing as you know so much about whats happened in my life.