Jeb Bush for pres?

Jeb will never become Prez. His brother has soiled the Bush name and with George's ratings so low who will vote for Jeb?
Jeb Bush will not definitely not run for president this time around (down the road is a different story). No one with the name Bush will be electable in '08. And he realizes that.
Furthermore, the Republican Party realizes that the name "Bush" isn't going to get them anywhere in the near future. That's why they're running such independent-minded prospects for the candidacy - John McCain and Rudy Guliani are very different from the necon Republicans we know and dislike.
I will move out of the country if he wins...

This is nepotism at its worst.
Stand Tall

Be an "American Patriot" not some silly flag waving Patriotic American. you can not run from this,it is YOUR DUTY and your RIGHTS As a Citizen as provided for in the Decleration of Independence.To stand in the face of tyranny and remove such said harmful Governments and install a government that will do for the wills of the people. Leaving the country says you give up......

You cannot give up......this is OUR country not the politicians they work for US .......they should be AFRAID of Us not the other way around....As an american Citizen it is up to YOU and ONLY YOU to Change things it is CLEARLY written into the Decleration of Independence as well as the United States Constitution

wake up sleepy Giants
America is calling on you again

she needs you the "American Patriot" Dissent is the MOST Honorable ,patriotic thing an american can do. Dissent from the highest mountains scream from every street corner fight for the very freedom that is yours Do NOT allow NEPOTISM to stand Un-Challenged

the time is HERE America Wake up we have work to do
Stand Tall

Be an "American Patriot" not some silly flag waving Patriotic American. you can not run from this,it is YOUR DUTY and your RIGHTS As a Citizen as provided for in the Decleration of Independence.To stand in the face of tyranny and remove such said harmful Governments and install a government that will do for the wills of the people. Leaving the country says you give up......

You cannot give up......this is OUR country not the politicians they work for US .......they should be AFRAID of Us not the other way around....As an american Citizen it is up to YOU and ONLY YOU to Change things it is CLEARLY written into the Decleration of Independence as well as the United States Constitution

wake up sleepy Giants
America is calling on you again

she needs you the "American Patriot" Dissent is the MOST Honorable ,patriotic thing an american can do. Dissent from the highest mountains scream from every street corner fight for the very freedom that is yours Do NOT allow NEPOTISM to stand Un-Challenged

the time is HERE America Wake up we have work to do

100% True !!!
Furthermore, the Republican Party realizes that the name "Bush" isn't going to get them anywhere in the near future. That's why they're running such independent-minded prospects for the candidacy - John McCain and Rudy Guliani are very different from the necon Republicans we know and dislike.
Are you mad? No more Bushes...for Gawds sake..isn't two enough???? More than enough.
Are you mad? No more Bushes...for Gawds sake..isn't two enough???? More than enough.

Did I say I wanted another President Bush? Did I even infer it? No. I was simply stating what I believe to be the position of the Republican Party, which is that the name "Bush" is going to be something of a pariah for a while and they would never run Jeb Bush because of that. It's a prediction of strategy, nothing more.