Joe Biden has a history of mishandling classified documents

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
from your link: "Someone screwed up," he wrote."

yes, someone screwed up. of course, as always, you ASSume it was biden and not his staff.

let me know when you have a video of biden personally and intentionally mishandling them, moron :)

Not surprised joes old weak mind has bee4n slipping for year but lets watch ricky retrdo make up excuses for this one also .

btw - is twice in 40 years a "history" of something? lol
and that's even assuming biden was at fault, and not his staff, since his staff is the more logical suspect in both instances.

unless you have that video of biden personally and intentionally doing this, moron? I keep asking you and you keep cowardly running away :)
btw - is twice in 40 years a "history" of something? lol
and that's even assuming biden was at fault, and not his staff, since his staff is the more logical suspect in both instances.

unless you have that video of biden personally and intentionally doing this, moron? I keep asking you and you keep cowardly running away :)
He's really hung up about collaring biden about anything. He's acting like a blood hound with his pursuits as if his reputation depends on it. They guy is paranoid with revenge. Must be fun at parties.
btw - is twice in 40 years a "history" of something? lol
and that's even assuming biden was at fault, and not his staff, since his staff is the more logical suspect in both instances.

unless you have that video of biden personally and intentionally doing this, moron? I keep asking you and you keep cowardly running away :)
O yes his staff is guilty .lol keep making excuses for his criminal actions and long history of lies and mishandling classified materials . must of beens trumps staff also. Or do you have video tapes proving different as you claim is needed to convict joe .
At least you have validated why you got the name ricky retardo Screenshot_20221214-152923.png
O yes his staff is guilty .lol keep making excuses for his criminal actions and long history of lies and mishandling classified materials . must of beens trumps staff also. Or do you have video tapes proving different as you claim is needed to convict joe .
At least you have validated why you got the name ricky retardo View attachment 2727

"long history"..twice in 40 years? lol.

and you don't think staff helps people move? lol. you're a moron.

and i'm not saying who is guilty, in fact i'm not saying anyone is guilty of INTENTIONALLY doing anything, moron, so why would i have video evidence on a claim i'm not making.

YOU are saying biden is guilty, YOU are making the claim moron. duh.
"long history"..twice in 40 years? lol.

and you don't think staff helps people move? lol. you're a moron.

and i'm not saying who is guilty, in fact i'm not saying anyone is guilty of INTENTIONALLY doing anything, moron, so why would i have video evidence on a claim i'm not making.

YOU are saying biden is guilty, YOU are making the claim moron. duh.
no he did so under Obama not over 40 years and isn't one time enough or do you think he gets a quota ? and hes been in government for 48 or 49 years
O yes his staff is guilty .lol keep making excuses for his criminal actions
What criminal actions? Has he been charged?
and long history of lies and mishandling classified materials .
He leaves a doco on his desk and a reporter could have seen it. Hardly a hangable offence.

must of beens trumps staff also. Or do you have video tapes proving different as you claim is needed to convict joe .
At least you have validated why you got the name ricky retardo View attachment 2727
The difference between the two is stark. Trump went out of his way to hide them and deny he had them, them resisted all attempts to return them so they raided the gaff. Biden didn't do that. He called the authorities the minute they were found, no resistance at all. Your point is???

I wouldn't surprise me if one of his hate filled staff advised him to take them. He would have enough rains to think of it. I doubt if he knew what he could have done with them.
We know he hates America so the skies the limit for him.
no he did so under Obama not over 40 years and isn't one time enough or do you think he gets a quota ? and hes been in government for 48 or 49 years

quota? no one is talking about a quota, moron

but twice is hardly a "history" given how long he's had access to classified documents (many decades in government).

but yes, thanks for pointing out it is twice in 48 or 49 years..."history of"? lol.

you make yourself look stupid :)