Joe Biden talks to the dead

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Yes its amazing Joe Biden first president to talk to the dead and shake hands with man with no arms hes amazing .No wonder demo rat voted for him . Hes just like them bat shat crazy.
Talking to yourself lol
It's like talking to the dead but you are dumber than them
Talking to yourself lol
It's like talking to the dead but you are dumber than them
Lol your mad because you president has tried to the dead 2 times tried to shake hands with a man with no arm . And smell little kids paid a ramson to Iran and kisses their ass .and china's

Yes its amazing Joe Biden first president to talk to the dead and shake hands with man with no arms hes amazing .No wonder demo rat voted for him . Hes just like them bat shat crazy.
That reminds me of Hillary's lie:
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking (

The fact-checking website Politifact says Hillary Clinton is correct when she says 17 federal intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia is behind the hacking.

“We have 17, 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyber attacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin. And they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing,” Clinton said during Wednesday's presidential debate in Las Vegas.

What a preposterous lie that turned out to be. There weren't even half a dozen agencies ever involved in any way with the fake Russian collusion Democrat conspiracy theory and certainly not 17 agencies. When Brennan wrote the 2017 ICA report with help from peter Strzok he only had help from leftist Democrat loyalists from 3 intelligence agencies, each of which had many officials who disagreed with Brennan's lying report.
That reminds me of Hillary's lie:
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking (

The fact-checking website Politifact says Hillary Clinton is correct when she says 17 federal intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia is behind the hacking.

“We have 17, 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyber attacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin. And they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing,” Clinton said during Wednesday's presidential debate in Las Vegas.

What a preposterous lie that turned out to be. There weren't even half a dozen agencies ever involved in any way with the fake Russian collusion Democrat conspiracy theory and certainly not 17 agencies. When Brennan wrote the 2017 ICA report with help from peter Strzok he only had help from leftist Democrat loyalists from 3 intelligence agencies, each of which had many officials who disagreed with Brennan's lying report.

everything reminds you of hillary. you obsess about her 24x7. did she already take out a restraining order on you, or should she?