Killer Storms is GODs Wrath!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Tornadoes devastate South, killing at least 250

PLEASANT GROVE, Ala. – Dozens of massive tornadoes tore a town-flattening streak across the South, killing at least 250 people in six states and forcing rescuers to carry some survivors out on makeshift stretchers of splintered debris. Two of Alabama's major cities were among the places devastated by the deadliest twister outbreak in nearly 40 years.

As day broke Thursday, people in hard-hit areas surveyed obliterated homes and debris-strewn streets. Some told of deadly winds whipping through within seconds of weather alerts broadcast during the storms Wednesday afternoon and evening

This is GODs Wrath,,Because America has lost its moral values. Such as GAY MARRAIGES. And you cant pray in Public School. Cause if you bring a Bible to school the ACLU will be all over on you. But Its ok to bring a Koran to school and Muslims can pray. And You cant wear American flag on your shirt to school on Cinco De Mayo.
This is GODs Wrath,,Because America has lost its moral values. Such as GAY MARRAIGES. And you cant pray in Public School. Cause if you bring a Bible to school the ACLU will be all over on you. But Its ok to bring a Koran to school and Muslims can pray. And You cant wear American flag on your shirt to school on Cinco De Mayo.
The tornadoes are God's wrath for shoplifting.
If God were mad at gay people and Muslims and immorality, wouldn't He have brought his wrath down on San Francisco, Detroit, Chicago, and New York City? He certainly would not bring his wrath down on the "bible belt", would he?

Silly topic. Perfect for the leftists to play with.
If God were mad at gay people and Muslims and immorality, wouldn't He have brought his wrath down on San Francisco, Detroit, Chicago, and New York City? He certainly would not bring his wrath down on the "bible belt", would he?

Silly topic. Perfect for the leftists to play with.

Just made my night..I don't know why but I had to laugh..
Explain what was the destuction of New Orleans from hurricane katrina was about? Rev Fred Phelps said the destuction of New Orleans from hurricane katrina was Gods Wrath cause America lost its morality.
If it was God's wrath because of America losing its morality, it would have be San Francisco.
This is GODs Wrath,,Because America has lost its moral values. Such as GAY MARRAIGES. And you cant pray in Public School. Cause if you bring a Bible to school the ACLU will be all over on you. But Its ok to bring a Koran to school and Muslims can pray. And You cant wear American flag on your shirt to school on Cinco De Mayo.

If you were a prophet of God you would be in a position to say what you were lead to say. In the old testament prophets were to be tested. One test was that they could never be wrong in a prophesy - if they were wrong just once they were stoned for falsely claiming to be a prophet.

If I remember correctly you do not even believe in God so clearly you are not a prophet of God. Lucky false prophets are not stoned anymore.
well that did not take long for a nutcase to blame it on Gays...

If we call a person who is not a member of this forum and who is a public persona a nutcase that is one thing. But to call a member a nutcase is generally inappropriate. Maybe you thought he was quoting someone else. I am sure somewhere in this country there is a self-appointed prophet publicly saying something just like that.
If God were mad at gay people and Muslims and immorality, wouldn't He have brought his wrath down on San Francisco, Detroit, Chicago, and New York City? He certainly would not bring his wrath down on the "bible belt", would he?

Silly topic. Perfect for the leftists to play with.


Natural disasters can be examples of unfortunate accidents or of the judgement of God. If a genuine prophet of God told us then we could know which this is.

In the bible when the nation of Israel was judged it was not always the case that the events were so clearly connected to the individuals who brought the judgement. If this were judgement, without prophesy, we would have no way to know that one city or another was more deserving or that the most deserving city was the place where the event would take place. Without explanation one might even build a case that the judgement should be directed at those in the bible belt because they have the responsibility to explain Gods word to the rest of the nation in a way that the message can be heard and accepted and clearly they have failed to do so. Of course, without God's explanation that would be conjecture too.
If it was God's wrath because of America losing its morality, it would have be San Francisco.

Who is responsible for America's loss of morality? Those who have been set to be moral leaders or those who the bible describes as foolish, like the unknowing, and in "error"?*

*That was a one-sided and incomplete case made to make the point about who would logically be most to blame, not to say that any particular person is guilty or innocent. Additionally the passage referred to speaks to so many more people than just gays that is is much more appropriate to say it is about Christians and Jews than to say it is about gays.

Natural disasters can be examples of unfortunate accidents or of the judgement of God. If a genuine prophet of God told us then we could know which this is.

In the bible when the nation of Israel was judged it was not always the case that the events were so clearly connected to the individuals who brought the judgement. If this were judgement, without prophesy, we would have no way to know that one city or another was more deserving or that the most deserving city was the place where the event would take place. Without explanation one might even build a case that the judgement should be directed at those in the bible belt because they have the responsibility to explain Gods word to the rest of the nation in a way that the message can be heard and accepted and clearly they have failed to do so. Of course, without God's explanation that would be conjecture too.

Theologically speaking, our God is not a vengeful God. My wife is a Bibical scholar, and it drives her CRAZY when people, including reverends and pastors and the like, blame God for somebody's death or somebody's plight. All of these natural disasters and untimely deaths and all things "bad" are the work of SATAN, not the work of God.

It is the endless battle between good and evil, between God and satan. Sometimes satan wins.

DON'T BLAME GOD. Our God is a loving God.