Well-Known Member
The Obama administration announced today, that Khalid Sheik Mohammed (Ringleader of the 9/11 hijackers) would be tried in civilian courts in New York City, not far from where the World Trade Center once stood.
Trying KSM and the rest in civilian courts in New York City, is like trying the Japanese pilots who attacked Pearl Harbor, in civilian courts in Honolulu. The notion is ridiculous to the point of being loony.
These Islamic militant fanatics regard Islam itself, as a sort of nation, or even an entity that supersedes nations. And they are "loyal" to that nation, and fight for it just as the Japanese pilots did.
Did FDR propose trying the Japanese pilots in courts in Hawaii (which was not a U.S. state at the time), or anywhere in the U.S.?
Of course not. He knew we were at war. And we are at war with these militant Islamics... a war they declared against us. We must treat them accordingly: Destroy them by military means, wherever we find them; or, if they surrender, take them prisoner and hold them (without trial) until the conflict is over. That might be a long time.
Some people say we must treat them as the Geneva Convention directs. But the GC only applies to nations that sign it, which these terrorists haven't.
BTW, Something else the Geneva Convention says about combatants like these terrorists, just in case you still want it to apply? The GC says that people who take up arms against your country without wearing uniforms to distinguish themselves from civilians, must be treated as spies if captured. Especially those who mingle with your own civilian population, without wearing uniforms, as a means of avoiding detection. And the way you treat spies captured during a time of war, is to give them a field court-martial, line them up against a wall, and shoot them. Or hang them, either way is OK.
So if you want these terrorists to be treated according to the Geneva Convention, I don't think that's appropriate. But I'm willing to make an exception in their case.
Trying KSM and the rest in civilian courts in New York City, is like trying the Japanese pilots who attacked Pearl Harbor, in civilian courts in Honolulu. The notion is ridiculous to the point of being loony.
These Islamic militant fanatics regard Islam itself, as a sort of nation, or even an entity that supersedes nations. And they are "loyal" to that nation, and fight for it just as the Japanese pilots did.
Did FDR propose trying the Japanese pilots in courts in Hawaii (which was not a U.S. state at the time), or anywhere in the U.S.?
Of course not. He knew we were at war. And we are at war with these militant Islamics... a war they declared against us. We must treat them accordingly: Destroy them by military means, wherever we find them; or, if they surrender, take them prisoner and hold them (without trial) until the conflict is over. That might be a long time.
Some people say we must treat them as the Geneva Convention directs. But the GC only applies to nations that sign it, which these terrorists haven't.
BTW, Something else the Geneva Convention says about combatants like these terrorists, just in case you still want it to apply? The GC says that people who take up arms against your country without wearing uniforms to distinguish themselves from civilians, must be treated as spies if captured. Especially those who mingle with your own civilian population, without wearing uniforms, as a means of avoiding detection. And the way you treat spies captured during a time of war, is to give them a field court-martial, line them up against a wall, and shoot them. Or hang them, either way is OK.
So if you want these terrorists to be treated according to the Geneva Convention, I don't think that's appropriate. But I'm willing to make an exception in their case.