Layoffs beginning, now that employers know Obamacare taxes won't be cancelled

Just a little point you may have forgotten: an overwhelming numbers of people who lost a limb (or more) are our SOLDIERS. And, they will be covered for life and receive their prosthetic for free.

And so they should!
The leftists have instituted a wealth redistribution plan with Obamacare where the poor and 'entitled' by Democrat standards have their insurance costs picked up by the debt-ridden government and non-entitled working saps. Like Justice Roberts explained, the Obamacare health plan is a tax on the working middle class of Americans designed to pay the healthcare expenses of special groups of Americans so they will not have to pay for their own care.
The leftists have instituted a wealth redistribution plan with Obamacare where the poor and 'entitled' by Democrat standards have their insurance costs picked up by the debt-ridden government and non-entitled working saps. Like Justice Roberts explained, the Obamacare health plan is a tax on the working middle class of Americans designed to pay the healthcare expenses of special groups of Americans so they will not have to pay for their own care.
Typical hateful right wing moron opposes health care for poorer people

You must hate medicaid too it hel9s special groups so they don't have to pay

And food stamps too. ... let them starve!
Like Justice Roberts explained, the Obamacare health plan is a tax on the working middle class of Americans designed to pay the healthcare expenses of special groups of Americans so they will not have to pay for their own care.

You they do, in the civilized World????
Typical hateful right wing moron opposes health care for poorer people

You must hate medicaid too it hel9s special groups so they don't have to pay

And food stamps too. ... let them starve!
Get working class Republican taxpayers to pay the health bills of the moderately poor and privileged minority Democrats and the leftist commies will be thrilled.
Get working class Republican taxpayers to pay the health bills of the moderately poor and privileged minority Democrats and the leftist commies will be thrilled.
I am thrilled that more people have better Healthcare

Hateful republication apparent want more people to suffer