Leftists communist fascists ban God

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Democrats tried it in their 2012 Muslim-friendly Charlotte convention and other fascist communist nations around the world all ban God because leftist communist fascist despots all despise Christianity.
Christmas Is Banned In North Korea, Escapees Challenge 'Godless' Dictator With Gifts, Bibles, Food And Messages Of Hope | The Gateway Pundit | by Alicia Powe 12-24-23

Christmas Is Banned In North Korea, Escapees Challenge ‘Godless’ Dictator With Gifts, Bibles, Food And Messages Of Hope

By Alicia Powe Dec. 24, 2023 1:40 pm

A group of activists is sending messages of hope, faith, and freedom to the people suffering under the dictatorship of Kim Jong Un in North Korea, where Christmas is banned and religious beliefs are strictly forbidden.

While Christmas is a bonanza in the West, North Korea is an atheist state where almost nobody even knows what Christmas.

For North Koreans, the government, Kim Jong-un, and his family function as gods under the brutal ‘Juche’ system.

Other religious figures or beliefs are banned to prevent its citizenry’s loyalty to the Kim family and the communist regime’s stranglehold on information assures North Koreans have no awareness of outside culture. State-controlled churches primarily exist for sightseeing tourists.

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Christians can be sent to concentration camps or tortured to death if they are caught praying.

In 2016, South Korea lit up a sixty-foot-tall Christmas tree on its side of the demilitarized zone, a border on the Korean peninsula that demarcates North Korea from South Korea, to show solidarity with North Koreans who are forced to conceal their religious beliefs. The North Korean government threatened to shoot it down, claiming the Christmas tree constituted “psychological warfare.”

Kim Jong Un mandated all citizens to pay tribute to his grandmother’s birthday on December 24, to further impede the nation’s acknowledgment of Christmas.

In 2017, Kim Jong-un prohibited “gatherings that involve alcohol and singing,” outlawing festivity allowing people in the hermit kingdom to celebrate anything other than the North Korean government and leaders.

The North Korean Freedom Coalition launched bottles filled with flash drives celebrating the holiday, including Bible passages, into the Yellow Sea, in the hope the currents will carry them to the shores of the North Korean peninsula.

Also packed in each bottle is rice to feed a family for a week, a US one-dollar bill.

A Christmas message included in the bottles says in part, “Christmas, which is celebrated all over the world on December 25th, marks the day when Jesus was born…Many of your ancestors also believed in Jesus. IN fact, in 1907, in Pyongyang, there were so many Christians who believed in Jesus that Pyongyang became known as a Holy City. But when Kim II Sung came to power, he wanted North Koreans to worship him as a god, and not the one true God. So, he killed many Christian leaders, sent others to political prison camps, or banished them. He did all he could to kill the followers of Jesus Christ…”

The effort the group calls “Operation Truth” is “modeled after the Berlin Airlift, to get critical help to the starving people of North Korea,” Suzanne Scholte, chair of the Washington, DC organization, told Fox News. “We should be doing everything we can to get information into North Korea by land, by sea, and by air.”

“We must communicate to the people in power in Pyongyang that they have friends and allies in Korea and America, who have only one desire for them: to share with the benefits of a free people, to give them a life of home instead of despair. Those in leadership positions in the DPRK regime wake up in the morning with only two choices in their lives: being slaves devoted to Kim Jong Un or death and their families’ deaths. That is why so many began escaping -not just for food, but for freedom, for a better life.”

On Saturday, the group launched the bottles into the sea for the 17th time in December.

Nine North Korean escapees are among those launching the messages back to their impoverished homeland.

As Fox News reports:

The flash drives also contain North Korean music, changing the lyrics from worshiping Kim Jong Un to worshiping God. They also play K-Pop songs, the Books of Matthew and Mark, as well as recorded messages from several members of Congress touting freedom for the North Korean people. Among those who recorded messages were Senators Jim Risch and Tim Kaine, as well as Congressmen Michael McCaul and Gregory Meeks.

Scholte’s group and the Defense Forum Foundation also help operate Free North Korea Radio, a station that broadcasts news and information into North Korea. Its director, Kim Song Min, escaped in 1997, and despite attempts by the dictatorship to jam its programming, the station has broadcast on shortwave and on the internet.

“I would like to express my gratitude to the Americans for standing with us to help us reach the people of North Korea with the truth about America and South Korea,” [Scholte] said.

There is another message that the activists are delivering to the North Korean people, one bottle at a time.

Scholte said that message is what Americans cherish. “The benefits of a free people, a life of hope instead of despair.”

Open Doors, a British non-profit that advocates for persecuted Christians, estimates 70,000 Christians are currently imprisoned for their faith while another 300,000 keep their faith a secret.

Meanwhile, the US government is following North Korea’s lead as the US Department of Justice targets and incriminates Christians.
lol leftist communists fascists?

more right wing word salad nonsense. trying to somehow link democrats with north korea. such a pathetic thread. lol

let me know when god is banned in this country. duh
lol leftist communists fascists?

more right wing word salad nonsense. trying to somehow link democrats with north korea. such a pathetic thread. lol

let me know when god is banned in this country. duh
Because of wicked leftist influence in the US Christians are under attack for honoring God and the Bible on issues that the left finds offensive.

Georgia cop Jacob Kersey resigns after suspension for religious ‘no such thing’ as gay marriage post (msn.com)

Georgia cop Jacob Kersey resigns after suspension for religious ‘no such thing’ as gay marriage post

A former Georgia police officer who was investigated for a religious social media post that claimed “there’s no such thing” as gay marriage said he felt pressured to resign after he was told he could be fired for sharing his beliefs.

Jacob Kersey, 19, who quit the Port Wentworth Police Department earlier this month, told Fox News Digital that he was placed on paid administrative leave Jan. 4 after he refused to remove the Facebook post he made regarding his Christian belief about marriage.

“God designed marriage,” Kersey wrote in the post that was flagged by his superiors following “an anonymous complaint,” according to a Jan. 13 letter of notification first reported by The Daily Signal and provided to Fox News Digital. “Marriage refers to Christ and the church. That’s why there’s no such thing as homosexual marriage.”
Because of wicked leftist influence in the US Christians are under attack for honoring God and the Bible on issues that the left finds offensive.

Georgia cop Jacob Kersey resigns after suspension for religious ‘no such thing’ as gay marriage post (msn.com)

Georgia cop Jacob Kersey resigns after suspension for religious ‘no such thing’ as gay marriage post

A former Georgia police officer who was investigated for a religious social media post that claimed “there’s no such thing” as gay marriage said he felt pressured to resign after he was told he could be fired for sharing his beliefs.

Jacob Kersey, 19, who quit the Port Wentworth Police Department earlier this month, told Fox News Digital that he was placed on paid administrative leave Jan. 4 after he refused to remove the Facebook post he made regarding his Christian belief about marriage.

“God designed marriage,” Kersey wrote in the post that was flagged by his superiors following “an anonymous complaint,” according to a Jan. 13 letter of notification first reported by The Daily Signal and provided to Fox News Digital. “Marriage refers to Christ and the church. That’s why there’s no such thing as homosexual marriage.”

yes christians have to tolerate others in this country. its not a theocracy and they cant persecute gays anymore, thank god :)

we run by the constitution not the bible...also thank god
yes christians have to tolerate others in this country. its not a theocracy and they cant persecute gays anymore, thank god :)

we run by the constitution not the bible...also thank god
Sodomites will just have to learn to tolerate Christians' religious beliefs that God opposes sodomy as an abominable sin. Just because they do not like that fact or the Constitutional protections of freedom of religion does not mean they can persecute Christians for believing God.
Sodomites will just have to learn to tolerate Christians' religious beliefs that God opposes sodomy as an abominable sin. Just because they do not like that fact or the Constitutional protections of freedom of religion does not mean they can persecute Christians for believing God.
Oh the hypocrisy. You stand in defiance of sodomy while simultaneously
Supporting the greatest institution to allow it to go on. Religion.
You hypocrite.
yes christians have to tolerate others in this country. its not a theocracy and they cant persecute gays anymore, thank god :)

we run by the constitution not the bible...also thank god
Christians can and do tolerate ungodly perverts, but they will not be forced by perverts or government edict to violate their religious beliefs.
Christians can and do tolerate ungodly perverts, but they will not be forced by perverts or government edict to violate their religious beliefs.
If those beliefs infringe on others they will adhere to laws or pay the price
Christians aren't above the law
Sodomites will just have to learn to tolerate Christians' religious beliefs that God opposes sodomy as an abominable sin. Just because they do not like that fact or the Constitutional protections of freedom of religion does not mean they can persecute Christians for believing God.
No one is persecuted for believing God, *****
I don't support those disobedient Christians who support and promote sexual perversion.
But you do nothing about it. You let it continue because your frightened you won't get to heaven.
Religion regards paedophilia as a basic right for poofters priests and the innocent children as collateral damage. Yet you sanctamonious pompous pricks stand by and say nothing. You're as weak as piss.
Are you queer, Boris? You sure spend a lot of time defending buttfuckers. Have we struck a nerve? Is there any other reason you find it necessary to only use the approved euphemism for queers of the many varieties, all of which are homosexuals or child rapists, or both? Do you feel it necessary to hide behind the curtain and shout, "Ignore the man behind the curtain..." so maybe we won't notice you have other predilections that are socially unacceptable? We know you're a commie in drag, are you worse? You call others fascists, but couldn't define it without a dictionary because, well... you're uneducated, too. You can't learn from history because you've never studied anything worthwhile. You'd explode, except you're a dud. Zip, zero, nada. Poof?
Are you queer, Boris? You sure spend a lot of time defending buttfuckers. Have we struck a nerve? Is there any other reason you find it necessary to only use the approved euphemism for queers of the many varieties, all of which are homosexuals or child rapists, or both? Do you feel it necessary to hide behind the curtain and shout, "Ignore the man behind the curtain..." so maybe we won't notice you have other predilections that are socially unacceptable? We know you're a commie in drag, are you worse? You call others fascists, but couldn't define it without a dictionary because, well... you're uneducated, too. You can't learn from history because you've never studied anything worthwhile. You'd explode, except you're a dud. Zip, zero, nada. Poof?
You have issues about your gay feelings
Get help
You have issues about your gay feelings
Get help
There are good people and there are bad people. The difference is bad people try to push their own value system down the throats of those that have other values. Good people live by The Golden Rule, A.K.A. live and let live. Queers crossed the line when they insisted upon forcing their values, or lack thereof, down the throat of straights by stealing the innocence of their children under the guise of equality. A few % of the population cannot, and therefore will not get away with that. Got it? Take Push to Shove and I guarantee the other ~95% will shove back, in spades. What you do in your bedroom is none of my business any more than how much money you have in your wallet is my business. Don't put your lifestyle in my face and you won't have to hear my condemnation of it. Ask me about it and you will get my unadulterated opinion. I don't owe you the time of day. When you & your lifestyle interfere with mine, I will defend mine to your great disadvantage. Got them issues?