I did not take cases to court so I could not have lost court cases. Furthermore, just because a small percentage of the total number of fraud evidences were presented in court does not mean that any of the cases, whether presented in court or not, were judged to be evidence that no massive fraud occurred.
Lol moronnot you personally but your side
god you are stupid
I am on God's side. I owe no allegiance to any other 'side.'

you support republicans mindlessly, you are on their side. you just are too pathetic to admit it.
you think god has told you that republicans are favored, the voices in your head are loud?
Gods side? They poor sap is addicted to the shit and thinks he's going to heaven.
There's 60 million of those nutters it's getting crowded.
The reason Hillary lost in 2016 is because there were more voting age deplorables out there than she realized.
Carlin knows better than to deny the existence of God now.
How do you know where he is now? Don't belch that shit about god Having his way.
It's arrogant of you to suggest you know his destination and punishment because you don't. You're just another pompous godbotherer who think you control everything. You have no evidence if anything after you die and cemeteries are full of idiots like you.
Well in fact she won the popular vote so that theory is rooted.
Nobody should deny that Hillary also got help from voter fraud crooks, just not enough. That is why Democrats took no chances in 2020 and pulled out all the stops to utilize every form of voter fraud ever used in the US to the nth degree of magnitude.
Nobody should deny that Hillary also got help from voter fraud crooks, just not enough. That is why Democrats took no chances in 2020 and pulled out all the stops to utilize every form of voter fraud ever used in the US to the nth degree of magnitude.
Fuck off you nutter.