Media Bias / Fact Check: the annoying thing's WORST NIGHTMARE!

Democrats demand Republicans prove everything while Democrats prove nothing. For example, Democrats never proved Trump conspired to steal Hillary's emails but that has never stopped the morons from continuing to claim it happened in spite of all the massive evidence to the contrary.

I think you're gettin' your conspiracies a lil' mixed-up.
Let me give you a lesson in English comprehension. Anyone claiming I said voter fraud has happened regularly for centuries is lying and should repent for making false allegations. Here is what I said and proved:

Records prove that for more than a century in the US Democrats and assortments of crooks have been caught committing voter fraud in collusion with large bodies of supporters.

Exactly. "More than a century". To me as an uneducated English deprived contributor, implies multiple times and years. You are wrong.
The number of those who were never caught can be safely assumed to have been staggering.
Another lie because without evidence it cannot be assumed.
How's that for English you arrogant godbothering piss ant?
You prove the consensus mob will deny voter fraud without disproving evidence of fraud and will make up excuses for banning the Bible from classrooms due to their spiritual alienation from God.
Your Bible should be used for sanitary purposes exclusively.
As for your spirituality rubbish, don't make me vomit.
The law demands Republicans prove fraud
Because that's how law works ***** duh
Sadly, most Americans have no idea how hard it is for some types of fraud to be detected. Experts in the field of fraud analysis say fraud is widespread and hard to detect.

Detecting election fraud: is it possible to identify manipulated vote counts? : Democratic Audit

01/03/2019Read More →

Detecting election fraud: is it possible to identify manipulated vote counts?

In the quest to tackle electoral malpractice, election observers and political scientists have sought ways to identify when vote counts have been manipulated. ...

Election fraud is a widespread phenomenon.
Link to credible proof of massive fraud?
Oh that's right you morons have none duh
We have evidence, not proof, of likely widespread fraud. Likewise, Democrats have widespread rejection of evidence of fraud, but no proof the evidence is false.
Give an example of after the election changes that were not just fixing normal errors

Every election has errors that get fixed duh

The ballots were valid. Your evidence is stupid lol
Here is what was uncovered after the 2020 election:


New Judicial Watch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100%​


1.8 Million ‘Extra’ Registered Voters
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that a September 2020 study revealed that 353 U.S. counties had 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens. In other words, the registration rates of those counties exceeded 100% of eligible voters. The study found eight states showing state-wide registration rates exceeding 100%: Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Here is how Democrats covered up the exposure, claiming the reports simply contained 'errors' the Democrats needed to fix.

Our rating: False
The claim that four townships in Michigan logged 290,000 more votes than there are people is FALSE, based on our research. Voter turnout data shows no township in Michigan had more than 100% turnout for the 2020 presidential election. There were some cases of errors in voter turnout rates, however, the errors were fixed, and there is no evidence that four townships logged more votes than there are people.

So the Democrats 'fixed' the errors so that no precinct had more than 100% turnout. However, how is 100% turnout not evidence of fraud in itself? Democrats crammed in as many votes for Biden as they could utilizing voter registries bursting at the seams with the names of dead or ineligible voters and they still could not always keep their turnout totals below 100% Amazing.
Exactly. "More than a century". To me as an uneducated English deprived contributor, implies multiple times and years. You are wrong.
But, to rebuke you again, "More than a century" may imply multiple times and years but it does not support your false claim that I said voter fraud had been occurring for centuries, which implies more than one century.
Another lie because without evidence it cannot be assumed.
How's that for English you arrogant godbothering piss ant?
Even the lowest of hateful humans on the intelligence scale can call people disrespectful names.
Your Bible should be used for sanitary purposes exclusively.
As for your spirituality rubbish, don't make me vomit.
The Bible and the ten commandments should be taught in schools so kids may be deterred from turning out to be uncivilized savage barbarians who kill and steal at will with no fear of God.
The Bible and the ten commandments should be taught in schools so kids may be deterred from turning out to be uncivilized savage barbarians who kill and steal at will with no fear of God.

or we teach the constitution and laws and ethics.

if you read the bible its full of horrible violence and sex. no need to scar kids for life.
Here is what was uncovered after the 2020 election:


New Judicial Watch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100%​


1.8 Million ‘Extra’ Registered Voters
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that a September 2020 study revealed that 353 U.S. counties had 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens. In other words, the registration rates of those counties exceeded 100% of eligible voters. The study found eight states showing state-wide registration rates exceeding 100%: Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Here is how Democrats covered up the exposure, claiming the reports simply contained 'errors' the Democrats needed to fix.

Our rating: False
The claim that four townships in Michigan logged 290,000 more votes than there are people is FALSE, based on our research. Voter turnout data shows no township in Michigan had more than 100% turnout for the 2020 presidential election. There were some cases of errors in voter turnout rates, however, the errors were fixed, and there is no evidence that four townships logged more votes than there are people.

So the Democrats 'fixed' the errors so that no precinct had more than 100% turnout. However, how is 100% turnout not evidence of fraud in itself? Democrats crammed in as many votes for Biden as they could utilizing voter registries bursting at the seams with the names of dead or ineligible voters and they still could not always keep their turnout totals below 100% Amazing.

there are always errors in any human endeavor, *****. lol.

feel free to show any example which proves that more people actually voted than registered.
We have evidence, not proof, of likely widespread fraud. Likewise, Democrats have widespread rejection of evidence of fraud, but no proof the evidence is false.
no credible evidence.
if your evidence was credible judges would have ruled in your favor, *****.
but you lost every time. duh.
Nobody verified that every ballot received was legitimately cast by a legitimate voter. Nobody.

and nobody ever can, *****.
its literally impossible for any election.
no one ever verified every ballot in the election trump won, either.

voter ids can be forged, etc etc.

you morons will never be convinced you lost, because you're morons.
Sadly, most Americans have no idea how hard it is for some types of fraud to be detected. Experts in the field of fraud analysis say fraud is widespread and hard to detect.

Detecting election fraud: is it possible to identify manipulated vote counts? : Democratic Audit

01/03/2019Read More →

Detecting election fraud: is it possible to identify manipulated vote counts?

In the quest to tackle electoral malpractice, election observers and political scientists have sought ways to identify when vote counts have been manipulated. ...

Election fraud is a widespread phenomenon.

"widespread"? whatever that means. lol.

"massive"? no.
The Bible and the ten commandments should be taught in schools so kids may be deterred from turning out to be uncivilized savage barbarians who kill and steal at will with no fear of God.
In the link I posted it clearly shows it was taken out of schools for exactly those reasons.