Media Bias / Fact Check: the annoying thing's WORST NIGHTMARE!

The Bible and the ten commandments should be taught in schools so kids may be deterred from turning out to be uncivilized savage barbarians who kill and steal at will with no fear of God.

the history of christians is full of violence by uncivilized barbarians who kill and steal at will.
apparently your theory is false. lol
But, to rebuke you again, "More than a century" may imply multiple times and years but it does not support your false claim that I said voter fraud had been occurring for centuries, which implies more than one century.

Even the lowest of hateful humans on the intelligence scale can call people disrespectful names.
Admit it. Your big mouth and hatred caused you to lie. Now you're making more pathetic excuses attempting to smooth it over.

The irony of you coming about disrespectful names. In another post you referred to those who aren't taught the Bible as barbarians etc.
That is a swipe at atheists and why shouldn't I be offended? Where's your respect now? I reiterate everything I called you.
there are always errors in any human endeavor, *****. lol.

feel free to show any example which proves that more people actually voted than registered.
Democrats will always blame voter fraud on 'excusable' errors, even to the extent of blaming millions of miraculous votes for Biden on 'excusable errors' when uncovered.
no credible evidence.
if your evidence was credible judges would have ruled in your favor, *****.
but you lost every time. duh.
The evidence is overwhelming even though no irrefutable proof was ever established in court. As the evidence of O.J.'s guilt was overwhelming yet he was not proven guilty.
and nobody ever can, *****.
its literally impossible for any election.
no one ever verified every ballot in the election trump won, either.

voter ids can be forged, etc etc.

you morons will never be convinced you lost, because you're morons.
Irrefutable proof of voter fraud requires depths of investigations that are beyond the limits of practicability, which is why Democrats continue to get away with committing voting fraud and lying about it.
Atheists, rebels against God, and deluded secularists think they are doing the right thing to eliminate God's influence in the lives of children.
Not rebels against anything. They simply don't believe there's a god. Only fools think there is.

There should be no reason any religion is taught in schools. It's proven to be of no benefit and your a classic example. You haven't yet grasped reality.
Atheists, rebels against God, and deluded secularists think they are doing the right thing to eliminate God's influence in the lives of children.
Looking at all the hate and violence from Christians it might be the right thing