Giuliani Is Everyone's Worst Nightmare

Even more ironic is that he is leading the GOP polls. I am not a conservative, but it doesnt seem like there are any left out there in the lead for office. I will say I dont know enough about Thompson to pass judgement on him.
Why is it, that when we discuss on this board or just about any, not the merits of candidates policy ideas and legislative history and actual job performance, instead it is how many wives they have had. As long as its one at a time.
Why is it, that when we discuss on this board or just about any, not the merits of candidates policy ideas and legislative history and actual job performance, instead it is how many wives they have had. As long as its one at a time.

I agree. That's what I mean by "you're one of those" i.e. you're one of the people who votes based on their personal social life.
Why is it, that when we discuss on this board or just about any, not the merits of candidates policy ideas and legislative history and actual job performance, instead it is how many wives they have had. As long as its one at a time.

Simply put, it's because the Republicans have continually claimed to be the party of high morals and family values, while deriding Democrats for the lack of same. How can you not point out their hypocrisy?
Simply put, it's because the Republicans have continually claimed to be the party of high morals and family values, while deriding Democrats for the lack of same. How can you not point out their hypocrisy?

There are 513,000 elected officials in this country. Don't you think it's a little much to claim that 2 or 3 people represent the hypocrisy of about half of those elected officials?
There are 513,000 elected officials in this country. Don't you think it's a little much to claim that 2 or 3 people represent the hypocrisy of about half of those elected officials?

2 or 3 ? I can always put up the Republican sex offender list again. It's simple as this, when Republicans get off their moral high horse, liberals will stop pointing out their hypocrisy.