Michael Moore is asking questions


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
about 9/11/2001

How many people does it take
stepping into the spotlight & asking for an investigation worthy of the name...
before WE_THE_PEOPLE get the TRUTH about 9/11/2001?

We own the CONGRESS, they are employees of WE_THE_PEOPLE!
Communicate with your representitives and tell them that we NEED the TRUTH about 9/11/2001!
it is TRULY

We The People

yet americans are far too comfortable for this to really mean anything to the majority of them.It is only US the American Patriots who see this for what it is.........
His movies sell. Obviously people care.

I just don't get it. It's like when people base their political opinions off of what Sean Penn or Angelina Jolie says. Ridiculous.

And at this point I figure what the hell. What could it possibly hurt to have an actual factual investigation of 9/11?

We had one. We can do a thousand more. People will never be satisfied until they come to some kooky conclusion that alien death rays from outer space, built in George Bush's Texas Ranch, blew up the World Trade Centers so he could become dictator of the North American Union.
I just don't get it. It's like when people base their political opinions off of what Sean Penn or Angelina Jolie says. Ridiculous.

Moore is a political commentator on acid. His appeal lies more in the presentation than in the content, that's all. It is ridiculous, but no more so than about half the elections in the history of this country.

We had one. We can do a thousand more. People will never be satisfied until they come to some kooky conclusion that alien death rays from outer space, built in George Bush's Texas Ranch, blew up the World Trade Centers so he could become dictator of the North American Union.

But what would it hurt to do another one? Surely they don't cost all that much and if a significant number of people voice support for another investigation it could be considered a legitimate usage of government money. Make sure that everyone who trashed the original investigations as being corrupt signs off on the new investigation team before they begin their research and make sure that everyone is willing to listen to their results.
I just don't get it. It's like when people base their political opinions off of what Sean Penn or Angelina Jolie says. Ridiculous.

Few care about either of those people. Many more care about what is going on in this country and what really happened on 9/11, OKC, Waco, etc.
We had one. We can do a thousand more. People will never be satisfied until they come to some kooky conclusion that alien death rays from outer space, built in George Bush's Texas Ranch, blew up the World Trade Centers so he could become dictator of the North American Union.
We didn't have a proper investgation, and independent investigation.

You really do have a freaky theory on what happened to the WTC.
We didn't have a proper investgation, and independent investigation. .

Not true. We did have a proper investigation. The funding for this was $11 million, and that doesn't include the expenses incurred by witness, etc. It was bi-partisan, with five Republicans and five Democrats. There was almost zero dissent from anyone in authority on the final 10 selected for the commission. It was selected by the White House (and administration) and the Congress. Both parties had tremendous input on the selections.

There was resistance to compliance with certain requests of the Commission on both sides. The White House resisted turning over certain information and providing certain personnel for testimony because of security reasons. The past administration official called to testify we less than cooperative also, with one going so far as to remove and destroy documents from the National Archive.

Much of the information withheld will probably come out in time. And history will have to be the judge on whether it was indeed appropriate to withhold it. Information that was purposely destroyed, we will never know. Regardless, much of it was water under the bridge at that point.

More time has passed, and we can have investigations until eternity passes and there will be people who are never satisfied with the findings. You will never find a point in time where everyone will have a collective sigh and say, "There! I'm confident with the accuracy and completeness of the investigation and it's results."

It just ain't gonna happen! We-The-People need to be vigilant and educated. Unfortunately, when more people are interested in what's happening with Paris Hilton than with the G-8 summit, or the Immigration bill, or who their senators are and what their voting records are, it just ain't gonna happen, either!

Until another 9/11 happens... but then the screaming and finger-pointing will start all over. People need to learn the truth, but also question the source of the information and the motives behind it.
USMC the Almighty;14463]I just don't get it. It's like when people base their political opinions off of what Sean Penn or Angelina Jolie says. Ridiculous.

Michael Moore makes some great movies and I don't see any problem at all with people in Hollywood using their celebrity to promote their own political opinions. These are educated people implementing their right to speak out. Just because you become a famous doesn't mean you give up your right to speak up!

We had one. We can do a thousand more. People will never be satisfied until they come to some kooky conclusion that alien death rays from outer space, built in George Bush's Texas Ranch, blew up the World Trade Centers so he could become dictator of the North American Union.

On this we agree. Everyone saw what happened. The investigation proved it was definitely a terrorist hijacking. To say Bush or our government had anything to do with it is crazy talk.
Michael Moore makes some great movies and I don't see any problem at all with people in Hollywood using their celebrity to promote their own political opinions. These are educated people implementing their right to speak out. Just because you become a famous doesn't mean you give up your right to speak up!

I didn't say they shouldn't speak. I said that I don't understand why people listen. They're no more qualified (and often less educated) then the average American.

On this we agree. Everyone saw what happened. The investigation proved it was definitely a terrorist hijacking. To say Bush or our government had anything to do with it is crazy talk.

+1 for common sense.
Michael Moore makes some great movies and I don't see any problem at all with people in Hollywood using their celebrity to promote their own political opinions. These are educated people implementing their right to speak out. Just because you become a famous doesn't mean you give up your right to speak up!

On this we agree. Everyone saw what happened. The investigation proved it was definitely a terrorist hijacking. To say Bush or our government had anything to do with it is crazy talk. They probably said this about Hitler too.

We didn't see everything that happened. You saw what they wanted/allowed you to see.
We didn't see everything that happened. You saw what they wanted/allowed you to see.[/B][/COLOR]
Your right:rolleyes: GWB and OBL were in on it together along with Tim McViegh's ghost and Jim Jones long lost son. The whole thing was a staged publicity stunt put on by Criss Angel and David Copperfield. :rolleyes:
I just gotta ask, How many people here REALLY and TRULY believe that 9/11/2001 was the work of 19 radical Arabs who hyjacked 4 airliners and crashed 3 of them into buildings... (?) WTF ... over?

Just exactly what PROOF did the administration provide that makes the case for "radical Arab hyjackers did it"?

The aleged "FLT77" flew for more than half an hour after the second hit to the WTC .. out-of-line, off course and with its transponder turned off and NOBODY could muster a single aircraft to go and confront "FLT77"
and JUST EXACTLY what was Mr. Cheney doing at the time?

I'm sorry people but the Pentagon hit PROOVES beyond any doubt that 9/11/2001 was an inside job!

This is very clearly a case of "the emperor has no clothes!"
Wake up people, smell the burnt Reichstag!
Bush is pushing the BIG LIE! and so far he is getting away with it.

Write your Congresspeople and demand that Congress insist on accountability from Bush and Cheney!

Support H.Res.333

9/11 = Reichstag fire!
I just gotta ask, How many people here REALLY and TRULY believe that 9/11/2001 was the work of 19 radical Arabs who hyjacked 4 airliners and crashed 3 of them into buildings... (?) WTF ... over?

Just exactly what PROOF did the administration provide that makes the case for "radical Arab hyjackers did it"?

The aleged "FLT77" flew for more than half an hour after the second hit to the WTC .. out-of-line, off course and with its transponder turned off and NOBODY could muster a single aircraft to go and confront "FLT77"
and JUST EXACTLY what was Mr. Cheney doing at the time?

I'm sorry people but the Pentagon hit PROOVES beyond any doubt that 9/11/2001 was an inside job!

This is very clearly a case of "the emperor has no clothes!"
Wake up people, smell the burnt Reichstag!
Bush is pushing the BIG LIE! and so far he is getting away with it.

Write your Congresspeople and demand that Congress insist on accountability from Bush and Cheney!

Support H.Res.333

9/11 = Reichstag fire!

A lot of people don't want to wake up. If they did, then they would have to do something about it.
its far easier to keep they'e heads buried....................well you know what i'm getting at. it is too comfortable for them to come outside of they're sensibility boxes.

And many of them just don't understand what it is to be a Patriot. they believe they are patriotic Americans.......not knowing the difference that dissent makes......

In short if it dosen't upset they're routines..........most people will largely buy into the official story...... as though it was a biblical gospel. They simply don't know any better..........

they have never been taught what it is to be a Patriot.......
It seems as they don't want Americans, to remember what it was that created they're very country!! Dissent and Patriots......................

whenever you get down truth seekers whenever you get ready to say thats it!!!..........Remember that back in the beginning of this country there were a group of men...a Group of Patriots.................who just like you now.....were ridiculed ,scorned, laughed at.........and in the end they endured and this great country was born
they endured and you can and will too

Dissent is Patriotic