The vast majority of the politically-correct sites resemble Pravda in their Marxist propaganda, historical revisionism, and dictatorial censorship. Earlier they supported either Leiberman Neo-Lib Hillary or Podhoretz Neo-Con McCain; now are desperately united behind McCain. Predictably, when Obama is finally elected, they will endeavor to make him serve their interests. They will stop their slandering and hate-baiting; and will slavishly ingratiate themselves with him, and subject him to intensive psychological conditioning, political coercion, and ethical corruption.
The vast majority of the politically-correct sites resemble Pravda in their Marxist propaganda, historical revisionism, and dictatorial censorship. Earlier they supported either Leiberman Neo-Lib Hillary or Podhoretz Neo-Con McCain; now are desperately united behind McCain. Predictably, when Obama is finally elected, they will endeavor to make him serve their interests. They will stop their slandering and hate-baiting; and will slavishly ingratiate themselves with him, and subject him to intensive psychological conditioning, political coercion, and ethical corruption.