I post and lurk on more than a few political forums, both conservative and liberal, republican and democrat.
Over the last 3 years i've noticed something. At the conservative forums, the posters don't seem to differentiate between political foes and real enemies of our country. I can't quite figure out if the people who think Hillary Clinton is as bad as OBL are serious or just ranting, Iwould tend to think ranting, except for the venom in their comments....and it's not just opposing politicians....it seems to be anybody who disagrees even slightly with the conservative talking points.
Before this starts to read like republican bash.....I've seen the liberals do this too....but not nearly as much nor does it seem the norm that the liberals walk in lockstep as much as the conservatives do.
A good example of the mindset i'm referring to is the recent defeat in CT of Joe Liberman. Since election 2000
I've never seen a post on a conservative forum praise him....I have seen him called traitor and all kinds of other vile names, but since his defeat in the primary...all of a sudden the republicans not only love him but are actually endorsing him....talk about bizarro world to the nines.
I really think if Ted Kennedy said we should abolish all taxes, and all social programs and go to war with Iran at once, the conservatives would change their positions and come up with reasons why that was un American and why he was a traitor.
Anyway.....my point.....and i do have one......is how can you unite people when a large part of one side can't be compromised with, and seems purely unable to accept any responsibilty for anything.......a republican gets busted taking bribes....well the democrats do it, "Clinton lied to the American people". Does the fact that no democrat has been perfect make it ok to totally disregard all the rules.
The hypocrosy is mind numbing, and the disconnect is as well.
Where's the outrage? LOL
Over the last 3 years i've noticed something. At the conservative forums, the posters don't seem to differentiate between political foes and real enemies of our country. I can't quite figure out if the people who think Hillary Clinton is as bad as OBL are serious or just ranting, Iwould tend to think ranting, except for the venom in their comments....and it's not just opposing politicians....it seems to be anybody who disagrees even slightly with the conservative talking points.
Before this starts to read like republican bash.....I've seen the liberals do this too....but not nearly as much nor does it seem the norm that the liberals walk in lockstep as much as the conservatives do.
A good example of the mindset i'm referring to is the recent defeat in CT of Joe Liberman. Since election 2000
I've never seen a post on a conservative forum praise him....I have seen him called traitor and all kinds of other vile names, but since his defeat in the primary...all of a sudden the republicans not only love him but are actually endorsing him....talk about bizarro world to the nines.
I really think if Ted Kennedy said we should abolish all taxes, and all social programs and go to war with Iran at once, the conservatives would change their positions and come up with reasons why that was un American and why he was a traitor.
Anyway.....my point.....and i do have one......is how can you unite people when a large part of one side can't be compromised with, and seems purely unable to accept any responsibilty for anything.......a republican gets busted taking bribes....well the democrats do it, "Clinton lied to the American people". Does the fact that no democrat has been perfect make it ok to totally disregard all the rules.
The hypocrosy is mind numbing, and the disconnect is as well.
Where's the outrage? LOL