New Jersey the communist state

Look at the Profits the oil companies made. Were getting soaked by buying gasolene. Re need more regalations

regulations cost you money as the expense of implementing them gers passed along to the consumer. Oil companies profit margins are small around 3%. its the price of the oil that dictates the cost of the gas.
Let me ask yall this ok? How does it feel you heard that Mitt Romney paid only 15% to the IRS the rest of us paid 22% - 34% Dont you all feel outraged by this? Its been known Rich people get a free ride in life while the rest of us have to manage our budgets. Just like NBC Chief excutive paid no taxes. The OWS protests are happening for a reason. Can anyone tell me why 99% are so upset with the 1%?

My marginal tax rate is much higher than 22%. But after deductions and exemptions I pay much less than Mitt.

Additionally, I pay exactly the same rate before deductions and exemption on all my investment income as Mitt - so it is fair.
The rich people do get a free ride but it is not in the tax rate. The gov pretends to hit them harder with a higher rate but then gives them all sorts of privilege that the rest of us do not even have the opportunity to get. The rich come out ahead when the tax rate goes up. We need a system that taxes everybody at the same rate and also gives everybody equal access to the same privilege.

The jaywalking law is ridiculous and that is the evidence that the lawmakers are also ridiculous. the purpose of all these laws about disracted driving, walking, etc seems to be the expansion of gov power rather than the feigned protection of idiots.

Yes, CEO's would just avoid a special tax aimed at them. Yes it would be a clear example,but only on the books, of discrimination against a certain set of people, i.e. CEO's. And yes it would be a smokescreen designed to benefit the CEO's and the lawmakers at the expense of the rest of us.
While I think the price point is BS, some idiots out there are a hazard by being completely oblivious to traffic so I don't think it's totally outrageous. In fact, in a few instances, I have been that idiot as well and since the last incident, have avoided doing that.
Let me ask yall this ok? How does it feel you heard that Mitt Romney paid only 15% to the IRS the rest of us paid 22% - 34% Dont you all feel outraged by this? Its been known Rich people get a free ride in life while the rest of us have to manage our budgets. Just like NBC Chief excutive paid no taxes. The OWS protests are happening for a reason. Can anyone tell me why 99% are so upset with the 1%?
Let me ask yall this ok? How does it feel you heard that Mitt Romney paid only 15% to the IRS the rest of us paid 22% - 34% Dont you all feel outraged by this? Its been known Rich people get a free ride in life while the rest of us have to manage our budgets. Just like NBC Chief excutive paid no taxes. The OWS protests are happening for a reason. Can anyone tell me why 99% are so upset with the 1%?
Stevox , you are correct. I am amazed the the 995 of Americans are not more upset with the way the 1% avoid taxes. In Australia no body like Romey would ever be elected. Our paper says "Mining billionaires are a rare asset for Gillard"our Labor Prime Minister. The billionaires in their role as the poster girl and boy for the campaign against the mining tax are helping Gillard and Swan of the Labor the most.
Why do American admire Billionaires. We hate them and their support of the opposition ensures labor more votes
Stevox , you are correct. I am amazed the the 995 of Americans are not more upset with the way the 1% avoid taxes. In Australia no body like Romey would ever be elected. Our paper says "Mining billionaires are a rare asset for Gillard"our Labor Prime Minister. The billionaires in their role as the poster girl and boy for the campaign against the mining tax are helping Gillard and Swan of the Labor the most.
Why do American admire Billionaires. We hate them and their support of the opposition ensures labor more votes

nearly all of those paying taxes use the tax code to "avoid taxes". I believe I'm in a 28% tax bracket and yet I pay 11%. thats due in part because I pay the first so many dollars at I think 10%, and a step up later that investment income guys like Romney do not enjoy (its 15% from the first dollar. but mainly due to other deductions like child credits, mortgage deductions, charitable and the rest. this line of the wealth envy playbook is particulatly inane.
A dollar is a dollar. If you live in this country, you have to support it, no matter what income bracket your in.
A flat tax across the board, and get rid of deductions. Obama's big on economic justice and spreading the wealth? How about some responsibility justice? Being jealous of and wanting someone else's income and success is a personal problem.
A dollar is a dollar. If you live in this country, you have to support it, no matter what income bracket your in.
A flat tax across the board, and get rid of deductions. Obama's big on economic justice and spreading the wealth? How about some responsibility justice? Being jealous of and wanting someone else's income and success is a personal problem.
It is not being Jealous. These are the people, Bankers and investors, that staarted the recession. Surely they should not profit from dhonky deals. I discuss this on my web site.
It is not being Jealous. These are the people, Bankers and investors, that staarted the recession. Surely they should not profit from dhonky deals. I discuss this on my web site.

Wrong again. The recession in the US was caused directly by the actions of the government and the Federal Reserve. How could you not know this? The bankers and investors you mentioned just went along for the ride to profit from a system set up by corrupt politicians (sorry for the redundancy) and a corrupt central bank.

It is sad when people believe lies promoted by statists and leftist propagandists.
Here is an excellent analysis of Keynes....and who know Keynes was not only an ignorant statist (meaning he chose to ignore reality), but also a believer in eugenics...apparently he and the Nazis had much more in common than we knew, like many on the left today. It is fitting though that a fool like Keynes would also think eugenics good.

The trouble seems to begin with prescriptions. Keynesianism dictates that the answer to an economic depression is an increase in state spending. And on the surface of it, an increase in state spending will lift the numbers. But will momentarily lifting the numbers genuinely help the economy? Not necessarily; the state could spend millions of dollars on subsidies for things that nobody wants, wasting time, effort, labour and taxes and thus destroying wealth. And the state can push a market into euphoria — just as Alan Greenspan did to the housing market — creating the next bubble and the next bust, requiring an even bigger bailout. State spending creates additional dependency on the state, and perverts the empirical market mechanism — the genuine underlying state of demand in a market economy — which signals to producers what to produce and not produce. Worst of all, centralist policies almost always have knock-on side-effects that no planner could foresee (causality is complicated).
So Hayek’s view on the insuperable limits to knowledge applies as much to the economic planner as it does to the central planner of human reproduction.
While eugenicists and Keynesians make correct descriptive observations — like the fact that certain qualities and traits are inheritable, or more simply that children are like their parents —their attempts to use the state as a mechanism to control these natural systems often turns out to be drastically worse than the natural systems that they seek to replace.
As Keynes seems to admit when — in the German language edition of his General Theory he noted that the conditions of a totalitarian state may be more amenable to his economic theory, the desire for control may be the real story here.
Keynesianism brings more of the economy under the control of the state. It is a slow and creeping descent into dependency on the state. As we are seeing in Europe today, cuts in state spending in a state-dependent economy can cause deep economic contraction, providing the Keynesian more confirmation for his idea that the state should tax more, and spend more.
That is, until nature intervenes. Just as a state-controlled eugenics program might well spawn an inbred elite suffering hereditary illnesses as a result of a lack of genetic diversity (as seems to have happened with the inbred elite Darwin-Galton-Wedgwood clan), so a state-controlled economy may well grind itself into the dirt as it runs out of innovation as a result of a lack of economic diversity. Such a situation is unsustainable — no planner is smarter than nature.

I emboldened and enlarged that sentence for a reason. The Left is setting this all up today. Cuts in statism causes the Keynesian/Leftist concludes that cuts are bad and more spending good. It is circular logic, which the Left is expert at promoting and many people fall for it.