Newt inches closer to decision


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2006
I can't remember where I read it today, but I saw someplace that Newt was getting closer to throwing his hat in the ring. How will his actual declaration bode for the other candidates?
I am not to sure how it will effect the other candidates? There seem to be so many running now. I heard that he will decide by September whether or not he will run.
I think Newt is one of the more intelligent people around these days but that doesn't mean I'd vote for him. I think he's just testing the waters before he jumps in as it's an expensive jump and I doubt he's got much funding in place. Same with Fred Thompson.
I hope he runs. Like you I'm not sure I'd vote for him, but out of the republicans I've seen interested in the race he seems to make the most sense.

I was checking out his site, and his op-eds and general position papers still look mostly like reasonable positions.
You know, I haven't really checked out any of the candidate's websites yet. I figure they're still trying to figure out what their stance is, that at this point, it'll change. I'll wait until closer to the election.
I've never really liked the guy, but I suppose I should check out his stances before coming to a final decision. I've just never had a good feeling about him.
I think that Fred Thompson has now officially announced ...or has said he will 4th of July ...that will make a difference to Newt's decision. Thompson is popular.
I am not a republican, I'll be voting for Hillary... but if I had to vote republican, I would rather vote for Fred Thompson than for Newt. He looks sincere even when he is acting! Newt I could never trust.
Hey, do you think if Fred gets into the Oval office, that he'll have to depend on the teleprompters, or do you think he'll memorize his speeches?
Hey, do you think if Fred gets into the Oval office, that he'll have to depend on the teleprompters, or do you think he'll memorize his speeches?
I guess he will use the teleprompter like every other president! It is useless to memorize a speech! Besides, why not use the technology and use the time wisely doing other things??
Reagan rarely used a teleprompter unless it was for something extremely long like a State of the Union address. I had opportunity to work with him many times, and he was amazing. We would be shooting a five minute speech/piece for a documentary or something like that, and most of the time, he would nail it perfectly on the first take. It was only after he was out of office and the Alzheimers was taking control that he ever used a teleprompter, and it was quite sad. He hated it.