North Korea says can test-launch ICBM at any time: official news agency ReutersJanuary 9, 2017 0:06

I agree it would be easy to take Kim out. Bu this will solve nothing his replacement will continue. Kim can not much ham with so few weapons but he could target Souel is on the border. Chin will not want to see him lose because it does not want a pro western South Korea on its borders.
Sorry The Scotsman I made a spelling or Computer mistake. I meant Kim would not do much harm.
Thanks Scotsman. I do worry about my spelling. But I agree Kim Yum Ham is a good name. He is not the problem. It is that China will not allow an anti Communist united Korea on its border it will continue to support Kim or his successors .
it will continue to support Kim or his successors .
but if you view it slightly differently.....
Successive US governments have used a range of carrots and sticks to entice or pressure the North Korean leadership to give up its nuclear programme. The North’s missile launches and nuclear tests in 2016 make plain that these efforts have failed; in short, the West has to accept that it is now a nuclear power and focus instead on limiting the risks a nuclear North Korea presents. But it also pays to consider what sounds like a perverse question: could a North Korean bomb actually benefit both the country’s people and the world at large?
Meanwhile, a nuclear North Korea might well see fit to downsize its enormous and costly conventional military forces, which are among the world’s largest. As it transitions away from what it calls a “Military First” policy to something more deterrent-centric, it makes sense to encourage it to reduce its conventional military forces. (Better still, if it did, heavily-armed South Korea might follow suit.)
the article concludes...
As far as Pyongyang is concerned, its militaristic strategy has worked: It has kept the Kim government internally stable, the population dependent on the government, and the country’s enemies at bay. Accepting the country’s nuclear status, rather than trying to head it off with sanctions and threats, could bring it back to the diplomatic bargaining table.

The Conversation
North Korea said it would continue to pursue its nuclear deterrent and weapons program.

You don’t know who you’re messing with, Kim Jong… even Trump’s haircut is crazier than yours.
dogtowner It might be wise to let Kim have his nuclear weapon. But Seoul is on the border so only one rocket could still damage the capital.
Once all his subjects die of starvation he will have more cash to waste on this stuff.
And it still won't fly beyond his shores.
If all of his subjects were to die of starvation, the south could come and shoot him and take over North Korea, making it one nation once again.