North Korea says can test-launch ICBM at any time: official news agency ReutersJanuary 9, 2017 0:06

Perhaps viable is impossible but the North Korean economy dose survive. Even if its on life support, China supports this to the alternative.
Perhaps viable is impossible but the North Korean economy dose survive. Even if its on life support, China supports this to the alternative.
Yup. You are correct that PRC likes that buffer zone. And for the most part they like Kim irratating people. Distractions are beneficial.
We're talking about this and not PRCs new mega aircraft carrier and such.
As ever with this President, it is impossible to judge whether he means what he says, or even understands the significance of his words. ‘If China is not going to solve North Korea, we will,’ the President said in an interview. As ever with this President, it is impossible to judge whether he means what he says, or even understands the significance of his words.
Now, one of the grand panjandrums of the International Institute For Strategic Affairs (IISS), Francois Heisbourg, has made the same comparison, for the same reason: because he sees the U.S. President carelessly dropping matches beside a powder keg, with the same mingling of ignorance, vainglory and recklessness that the German emperor displayed in 1914.
Heisbourg, writing in the latest edition of the IISS’s authoritative magazine, emphasises the almost unprecedented instability of the world today, with Russia rejecting the post-Cold War system in Europe and thrusting dangerously into Ukraine and towards the Baltic States; the Middle East in turmoil; the EU tottering; China relentlessly asserting new claims in the Pacific region.

Professor Sir Michael Howard, another great strategy guru, is likewise apprehensive that Trump needs a war to fulfil his constant quest for enemies, at home and abroad, and because he is a risk-taker, with little understanding of the cages he is rattling or the world order he threatens to undo.
The Chinese, however, have consistently refused to meddle with the Pyongyang regime, and indeed continue to keep it in business. They prize order above all, and the collapse of North Korea promises epic disorder, with its starving people roaming the border region between the two countries.

Donald Trump chose to utter his threat on the eve of his first meeting with China’s leader, President Xi. And if we are unsure whether this was intended as a serious warning, so are the Chinese. They certainly do not want a war with the U.S., but as the nations warily circle each other, we should acknowledge a real danger if either side miscalculates.

In Trump’s defence, foreign policy experts have argued for years that no U.S. President, even a rational one, can live with North Korean nuclear missiles which are capable of reaching the U.S.
I agree it would be easy to take Kim out. Bu this will solve nothing his replacement will continue. Kim can not much ham with so few weapons but he could target Souel is on the border. Chin will not want to see him lose because it does not want a pro western South Korea on its borders.

North Korea seems to be eager to drag China into a nuclear war with the US. Using an analogy, it is just like a dog walking its idiotic master towards the brink of an abyss. The North Korean devil incarnate is treating the Chinese leader not only as a paper tiger but an idiot.
That's an issue for sure. I wonder how the PRC feels about that toddler playing with a handgun in their guest room?

Just ponder. If anyone lets a toddler play with a handgun in his guest room, he definitely needs a mental checkup.
I don't think the PRC care about Kim playing with his toys as long as they are not directed at them. THey are trying to keep the Norh Korean economy viable otherise their enemy South Korea will move in and be on their border.

Using an analogy for China's irrational crush on North Korea, it is like a fool embracing a zombie which continues feeding on his blood.

If the devil incarnate Kim directs his toys at the PRC one day, it would be a real sorry state for China as it won't even have the time to wake up to respond to the reality.

Actually North Korea is the greatest threat to China now. In my opinion, more than 90 percent of China is within the range of North Korean nuclear missiles. If North Korea succeeds to conquer South Korea one day, its next target would be China, particular the Chinese north-eastern region.
Yup. You are correct that PRC likes that buffer zone. And for the most part they like Kim irratating people. Distractions are beneficial.
We're talking about this and not PRCs new mega aircraft carrier and such.

Taking an analogy for China's use of North Korea as a buffer zone, it is like a shaman's pact with a devil to fight against another necromancer. The shaman would regret for his stupidity when the devil turns against him one day.