Nucear Terrorism

And before anyone even mentions it...yes, I committed a typo and misspelled "nuclear" in the title. The "l" key on my laptop doesn't always work properly.

Feel free to make fun of me...with this acknowledgment of the error in mind.
Part of me wants a full nuclear response. If we are talking about state sponsered terrorism, we could go after the sponser of the actions. I've also kind of kicked around the idea of going after Islamic holy cities. The first attack could draw a response of nuking Medina, and a public statement that any following attacks would result in the destruction of Mecca. Maybe holding their holy cities hostage could form some form of deterrent against Islamic fundamentalists. To me, thats the closest we can come to the mutually assured destruction policies that worked for us in the Cold War.
Well, since we're just going to sit and wait for it to happen (and it will happen sooner or later) its really hard to say how we will respond. It also largely depends on who is in the White House at the time.

Iran will have the bomb and is very friendly with terrorist groups begging for the chance to light one off here in America. If you can put 2 and 2 together, extrapolating the eventual result is quite simple. Iran should be told before this happens that they'll be little more than a great big hole in the ground if we're hit. Make them at least consider the advantages of keeping their nukes on a tight leash.

However, the US will never tell them that much less make good on it so it makes little difference. We'll sit and wait and play the UN game some more.

We would probably just do what we are doing now, but in a more draconian manner.

No, we are not going to nuke anyone just because we got nuked ourselves. We are not going to kill millions of innocent people just to make a point or to make ourselves feel better. It's not going to happen. (M.A.D. is so 1980s)

However we would be far less tolerant of non-democracies than we are now. The "you're with us or against us" view with regards to terrorism would have real teeth finally.
We would probably just do what we are doing now, but in a more draconian manner.

No, we are not going to nuke anyone just because we got nuked ourselves. We are not going to kill millions of innocent people just to make a point or to make ourselves feel better. It's not going to happen. (M.A.D. is so 1980s)

However we would be far less tolerant of non-democracies than we are now. The "you're with us or against us" view with regards to terrorism would have real teeth finally.
I agree that we would most likely not respond in kind but if we did (and I would without hesitation) it would be for much more than a point or two. It would make clear to the next savage with a bomb that there will be a terrible price to pay while most likely saving the millions in the next American city targeted by islamic terrorists.

I'm curious, "our view with regards to terrorism would have real teeth finally"
Could you further expand on this? Short of a swift and crushing response to a nuclear attack, what would terrorists regard as real teeth in our approach?

I agree that we would most likely not respond in kind but if we did (and I would without hesitation)

Why? What would be the point of killing millions of innocent people that their government wouldnt care about anyway? There is no point.

Do you think Saddam would care if we retaliated and killed a million Iraqis while he was in power? He would not lose a minute of sleep over it.

It would make clear to the next savage with a bomb that there will be a terrible price to pay while most likely saving the millions in the next American city targeted by islamic terrorists.

Most of them wouldnt care. MAD only works if the other party cares that they are retaliated against. If the other party see's death as a ticket to paradise, MAD no longer functions as a deterrant.

I'm curious, "our view with regards to terrorism would have real teeth finally" Could you further expand on this?

We should not be cooperating with any non-democracy. Period. Many Paleocons (and some neocons) have the flawed idea that non-democracies (such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan) can be employed as tools. But aside from the fact that supporting a non-democracy is incredibly immoral, they are also inherently volitile. They do not have to answer to their people. They can make decisions on a whim.

Right now, we do not really have a zero-tolerance policy with regards to terrorism. Because we work with other nations that are sympathetic to them because we want to use them as tools. Even now we are making diplomatic ovatures to Iran out of expediency.

Short of a swift and crushing response to a nuclear attack, what would terrorists regard as real teeth in our approach?

Aggressive action against all non-democracies. At a bare minimum, we should cease all trade with them. That includes China. That includes Saudi Arabia. All non-democracies should be viewed for what they are: Enemies of freedom and eventual threats to us.

But that is not going to happen until a catastrophic event like a nuke going off in a major city takes place. Which will be unfortunate.
Yes, why did you have to come here you idiotic Neocon troll?

I am exploring other forums due to technical problems on ******************.

Why does my presence upset you so much?

Who invited this fool?

A user named "gamingperson" sent me a private message on ****************** with this site, asking me to join. So I did.

Are you going to run away from this forum now too? Heh heh
I am exploring other forums due to technical problems on ******************.

Why does my presence upset you so much?

It doesn't upset me. I quickly realized you were completely and totally irrational a long time ago. I just want to save everyone else the trouble of wasting their time with a devout Neocon Kool-Aid drinker.

Are you going to run away from this forum now too?

I didn't run away from ******************. They can't get their speed up to par, so it's pointless. But you should stay there. It's a perfect match for you, since it's a waste of time.
It doesn't upset me.

Sure looks like it from your posts. I thought you were going to have a conniption there for a minute.

If this is you when you're calm, I'd hate to see the kind of hissy fit you throw when you're upset, heh heh

I just want to save everyone else the trouble of wasting their time with a devout Neocon Kool-Aid drinker.

I am sure they appreciate you forming their opinions for them. Maybe they'll send you some flowers or something.
Why? What would be the point of killing millions of innocent people that their government wouldnt care about anyway? There is no point.
I'm no fan of killing millions of innocents, much less a single innocent person, but that is the ugly fact of war. I would prefer a non-nuclear solution. If we are assuming here that the US has already been hit, it is hard for me to rationalize another UN style approach which generally accomplishes little.

Do you think Saddam would care if we retaliated and killed a million Iraqis while he was in power? He would not lose a minute of sleep over it.
No, he would not care as he would most likely not be alive to care. However, Saddam was not responsible for providing a nuclear device to terrorists that would in turn detonate said device in an American city. If he was in a position to do so at some point in the future, I have no doubt that he would have.

Most of them wouldnt care. MAD only works if the other party cares that they are retaliated against. If the other party see's death as a ticket to paradise, MAD no longer functions as a deterrant.
True if you are dealing only with the pawns that terrorist leaders send out to do their dirty work. They are more than happy to get their 72 virgins. Middle Eastern governments that support these pawns and their terrorist networks care very much about self preservation.

We should not be cooperating with any non-democracy. Period. Many Paleocons (and some neocons) have the flawed idea that non-democracies (such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan) can be employed as tools. But aside from the fact that supporting a non-democracy is incredibly immoral, they are also inherently volitile. They do not have to answer to their people. They can make decisions on a whim.

Right now, we do not really have a zero-tolerance policy with regards to terrorism. Because we work with other nations that are sympathetic to them because we want to use them as tools. Even now we are making diplomatic ovatures to Iran out of expediency.

Aggressive action against all non-democracies. At a bare minimum, we should cease all trade with them. That includes China. That includes Saudi Arabia. All non-democracies should be viewed for what they are: Enemies of freedom and eventual threats to us.

But that is not going to happen until a catastrophic event like a nuke going off in a major city takes place. Which will be unfortunate. sanctions have been tried and you saw how Saddam dealt with it. Oil-for-food! He got richer and his people suffered. Of course that was our fault for imposing the sanctions....yeah right!

I agree totally that nothing will be dealt with until we are burned again and then the left will say we should have done something to prevent it or that we were in on it to start another war. How convenient to have it both ways.

I am sure they appreciate you forming their opinions for them.

They've got their own opinions. I'm just letting them know yours are slightly when you admitted you'd kill 7 year old children if the government passed a law requiring you to do so. You're a good little Nazi, and that's all I'm trying to convey to people.
Umm.... I'm getting the impression that Truth-Bringer has major issues with you Sadistic Savior. So far, I've seen no evidence that you are a Nazi so what did I miss?!
