Obama demands we work to change climate despite no evidence man can change it

If you count how bad he has made things, now there are fewer people with jobs and money so fewer are driving and thus saving the earth :)

Obama LIES!! not just about climate change , or money , or acorn , or birthplace , he lies from habit . Enough suckers joined those who really want to harm America , coupled with the "takers" , the union goons , and the radical leftist , pooling all these social misfits together PLUS the stolen votes and the counting of improper ballots from non - citizens , this added up to a "FORCE FOR EVIL" resulting in what we see today , the destruction of America . Now what do we do?
If Al Gore donated 100% of his proceeds to reduce carbon emissions and GE agreed not to make billions off any cap and trade laws that may be passed...

You could then make a case, that climate change is not purely a political game.

Even Obama has politically been involved in climate change in Chicago before he became president.

So if this is just about 'saving' the planet, and not about $$$$$$$, those people pushing the notion, need to prove it.

You appear to be a "thinking Man " Chestnut, so you know Obama is pushing Cap & Trade to force a HUGE TAX upon ALL Americans regardless of income . His main goal is to destroy America and nothing will bring us down more quickly than a ECONOMIC COLLAPSE. Obama and his Cap & Trade will destroy our Nation! Suddenly , overnight , we will wake up and find our nation has been taken over by despots .Chesnut , if you have a horse jump on it and ride through the streets shouting " DESPOTS are COMING!!", If you have two horses lend me one and I will ride too. Singing " Chestnuts toasting while America is on fire " ! lol,lol humor helps ! huh
unless by no evidence you meant most evidence...

pocket you crack me up:D... nice job!

You know what it is "the world is here for us to pollute because we're going off to heaven anyway crowd" wants to split hairs as to "how much" man and all the industrialized emissions are harming the planet.

They know it's some... they can drive to LA and breath the smog for like one minute and know that. But they look at the money it takes to slow down the pollution and the effects on climate change NO MATTER HOW MUCH THEY ARE and say the typical Republicant line of...

let's do nothing.

Even just steps toward doing better at lessening pollution and controlling green house gases just a little and the Conservatives cry foul.

Sad really... stupid... but sad.

Lets stop or seriously reduce polllution. But carbon dioxide is not a pollutant.
Back to the subject:
How much of our resources will President Obama demand that we expend in his crusade to change the unchageable? At what point will he declare that maybe we should stop tilting at windmills, and maybe use some of those resources for more practical things, like fixing the economy, fighting terrorists, and defeating liberal attempts to subvert the Constitution?

(I just threw that last one in for fun. Though it is unquestionably worthwhile, there's no way Obama would EVER support it)

Just like all other things that the gov regulates they will never do enough to end it but it will be enough to make some people rich and to increase the size of government.
You appear to be a "thinking Man " Chestnut, so you know Obama is pushing Cap & Trade to force a HUGE TAX upon ALL Americans regardless of income . His main goal is to destroy America and nothing will bring us down more quickly than a ECONOMIC COLLAPSE. Obama and his Cap & Trade will destroy our Nation! Suddenly , overnight , we will wake up and find our nation has been taken over by despots .Chesnut , if you have a horse jump on it and ride through the streets shouting " DESPOTS are COMING!!", If you have two horses lend me one and I will ride too. Singing " Chestnuts toasting while America is on fire " ! lol,lol humor helps ! huh
Very funny .

I have been screaming and yet.. no one seems to hear. Not until it's too late, I fear.
unless of course you are talking about things that effect global warming....as we are....Lets fill your house up with it for a while, see if you are fine with it...as its not pollution....

At the amount that it has risen my house has already been effected with no harmful results. In fact, at the amounts that it has and will increase it will actually be good for he planet as it will increase plant yields (which will of course soak up more of the CO2 in a self regulating feedback loop).

The amount of humans increase CO2 is such a small percentage of the total that if we ceased to exist and therefore stopped contributing CO2 it would make no difference at all. There have been numerous times in history that single natural events - like volcanoes, and termites - have singlhandedly spewed more CO2 into the air than all of humanities collective actions.
Scientists' have found evidence million of years ago that global warming existed, when all of the ice from the ice age starting melting. I am so sick of hearing about global warming and we need to go green.

I think that Gore and these idiots are lining their pockets with all of this b.s. They say we have all of these icebergs floating around.. ONE QUESTION TO ALL OF THE INVIRONMENTALISTS OUT THERE!

The question is not whether the climate changes. Of course it does, as you (and many others) have pointed out.

The question is, whether man had anything to do with those changes, and whether he has any ability to change it back.

And no one has ever come out with any proof that man has any such ability, now or in the future (or in the past).

Even after the last 40 years of concern over the subject, leftist demands that govenment expand, etc., and people trying to find reasons to do so. After 40 years of digging, still not a bit of proof.
As another example, have you ever driven by an apartment building where the management pays for the gas and the residents don't pay for it directly. As soon as their apartment gets too hot they open the window.

And of course, all the other windows are still closed indicating that those residents just turned the thermostat down. And, of course you can tell which buildings have residents who do not pay directly for gas, just by driving by. Good "scientific" analysis going on here.
The question is not whether the climate changes. Of course it does, as you (and many others) have pointed out.

The question is, whether man had anything to do with those changes, and whether he has any ability to change it back.

And no one has ever come out with any proof that man has any such ability, now or in the future (or in the past).

Even after the last 40 years of concern over the subject, leftist demands that govenment expand, etc., and people trying to find reasons to do so. After 40 years of digging, still not a bit of proof.
There was no proof that man could fly to the moon before it was done. There was no proof that man could fly at faster than the speed of sound until it was done. There was no proof man could find a cure for polio until it was done. There was no proof that an atom could be split, creating a chain reaction until it was done. There was no proof that a sheep could be cloned until it was done. There was not proof that time was not a constant until it was proved at a university with two atomic clocks, one spaced 74 feet above the other (one closer to the earth, subject to more of earth's gravity).
There was no proof that man could fly to the moon before it was done. There was no proof that man could fly at faster than the speed of sound until it was done. There was no proof man could find a cure for polio until it was done. There was no proof that an atom could be split, creating a chain reaction until it was done. There was no proof that a sheep could be cloned until it was done. There was not proof that time was not a constant until it was proved at a university with two atomic clocks, one spaced 74 feet above the other (one closer to the earth, subject to more of earth's gravity).

And in none of those cases was it ever presented to the American people along the lines of, "We've already done this, it's well proven that the process can be done, we just have to repeat what's already been done and we will succeed in doing it again".

And in none of those cases (the moonshot excepted) was there any demand by government that the American people expend vast resources to get it done, complete with penalties called for in case of failure, with no limit to the expenditures government would require. In fact, most of the things you cite, weren't government projects at all. And in the cases that were government projects, the thing newly done, was an extension of previous feats that HAD been done.

But here we have govt and its minions insisting that man has already affected the climate, when there is still no proof that he has done any such thing; and demands for unlimited resources and an actual slowing of our economy, all in pursuit of a goal of questionable possibility and very questionable worth. Yet it is being presented along with baldfaced lies as "justification". It is, in fact, a simple attempt by government to take over more and more of formerly-private functions while providing little or no benefits to the Americsan people, hysterical rhetoric to the contrary.

40 years since the first Earth Day. And still not a shred of proof that man has had anything to do with climate change.

Demands by govt that we now change it, are fatuous and hysterical. And for a reason.
Lets stop or seriously reduce polllution. But carbon dioxide is not a pollutant.

Really? Here's a test...

Go out into your garage and find a garden hose. Now tape one end of that garden hose into the tailpipe of your car. Now get into your car putting the other end of that garden hose in through the window and roll up the window just enough that it holds that garden hose in place.

Now start your car.

Should only take about 10 or 15 minutes till you'll be dead... polluted to death.
Really? Here's a test...

Go out into your garage and find a garden hose. Now tape one end of that garden hose into the tailpipe of your car. Now get into your car putting the other end of that garden hose in through the window and roll up the window just enough that it holds that garden hose in place.

Now start your car.

Should only take about 10 or 15 minutes till you'll be dead... polluted to death.

It must have been a VERY long day. Now poor little topgun can't even tell the difference between carbon dioxide that doesn't pollute, and carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, particulates and other exhaust components that do.

Or maybe he was just busy trying his experiment himself, before typing his latest post...?? :D :D