Obama is not unifying anyone. If anything McCain inadvertently is on Obama's behalf. But that's not going to save him when the McCain spindoctors and their media cohorts suddenly stop giving Obama air time, like they did Hillary.
Not going to do you much good if you can make stellar speeches and rally people, and they're running a bit on a cat stuck in a tree over your time slot..
Look for the cameras to be trained more and more on McCain's every word and less and less on Obama's tired and transparent campaign of "change"....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
it is in the corporate media's best interest to portray the race as being close, even if it isn't (regardless of whose favor the blowout would be in).
if anything, mccain is worse for ratings, due to his stilted and awkward speaking style, his hazy message, and the fact that he be havin' the mookie blaylock face.
meanwhile, obama is young, attractive, a good speaker, and in touch with the electorate (at the 75k person rally in portland, the decemberists, a hip indie band, opened for him)-- even if you hate obama, you have to admit these things.
personally, i don't like obama's pandering... i believe he is a real, honest to dog liberal, and wish he would stick his neck out like one. that said, i suppose it's better to hold my nose through a few months of pandering if it ends with president obama, than to let mccain take this election and have to run off to canada after undergrad to avoid the inevitable draft to fuel the inevitable war in iran