Obama uniting - paradigm shifting


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2008
Obama is politically uniting Blacks and Whites, Christians and Muslims, Kennedy Liberals and Reagan Conservatives; the Podhoretz Neo-Cons and the Leiberman Neo-Libs are screaming, “Crucify him!”; and the World is singing, “God Bless America”.
For now. He will unite no one when the gay/crack cocaine story gets released. He's reigning from a castle made of sand currently. And McCain is standing right behind him with a bucket of water.

The country may be ready (not) for an inexperienced (but black..sort of..) leader during time of war and huge unrest, but it will be wholly intolerant of a man who is covertly gay and a drug addict. Not that there haven't been any covertly gay or drug-addicted presidents. It's just that they stayed in the closet. People have outed Obama against his will though....on the internet...it's still "in play" and will be released shortly. Right around just after the Denver convention...or more probably just on the eve of the election, when it really will be too late for dems to make corrections.
Rob- On the racism issue. Some don't even try to hide it. I'm totally disgusted with this kind of display of hateful racist attitudes.
Obama is politically uniting Blacks and Whites, Christians and Muslims, Kennedy Liberals and Reagan Conservatives; the Podhoretz Neo-Cons and the Leiberman Neo-Libs are screaming, “Crucify him!”; and the World is singing, “God Bless America”.

Uh, we already have Obamabot propaganda shills here, including at least one who is a lot better than you. Spare us, please.
Obama is politically uniting Blacks and Whites, Christians and Muslims, Kennedy Liberals and Reagan Conservatives; the Podhoretz Neo-Cons and the Leiberman Neo-Libs are screaming, “Crucify him!”; and the World is singing, “God Bless America”.

You make the obvious point my friend.

The thing that makes this election cycle so different from many other recent Presidential elections is that Republicans have won by using wedge issues to purposely divide fellow Americans culturally by race, income levels and a couple hot button issues.

Senator Obama on the other hand is staking his whole campaign on uniting all the various factions for the greater good of moving America in a direction different than George Bush, John McCain & the Republicans have.

Polls consistently say around 80% of Americans think we are now on the wrong track. I think this obviously bodes well for Senator Obama.

I'm proud of Senator Obama and the campaign he's ran and would vote for him just as quickly if he were 20 points down in the polls instead of 4 to 15 points up.

As far as any screaming from those who oppose this positive change I really don't give that screaming much consideration at all. The plain fact is the Republican offering while being a brave soldier years ago is now little more than the terrible combination of a desperate politician who is bad tempered and so obviously mentally confused. I really don't think he's well!

And worst of all to satisfy his shrinking base he has succumbed to Flip Flopping all over himself on just about every single position he's ever taken saying he now loves Bush policy and looks forward to continuing it!

I was watching John McCain try to explain how he had every single date about the "surge" wrong by months & months and I swear to God it was so convoluted and wondering & without point it reminded me exactly of a Grandpa Simpson spoof I'd heard.

Watch the Grandpa Simpson's explanation of how to tell stories that don't go anywhere... and then watch John McCain in front of the cheese case just rambling in ten different directions and tell me these two aren't simpatico!:)


The idea that Obama is a uniter is manifest nonsense. How could anyone who has the most extreme leftwing voting record of any congressman be a "uniter"? The rise of Obama has provoked all kinds of looney statements - now are 'bots claiming the whole country is leftwing??? :D
The idea that Obama is a uniter is manifest nonsense. How could anyone who has the most extreme leftwing voting record of any congressman be a "uniter"? The rise of Obama has provoked all kinds of looney statements - now are 'bots claiming the whole country is leftwing??? :D

Well..... If you could shut up, stop thinking and just drink the kool-aid everything would be alright ;)
Well..... If you could shut up, stop thinking and just drink the kool-aid everything would be alright ;)

:eek: I ... have ... drunk .... the .. koolaid. Now .... I ... understand. How ... could ... I ... have ... been ... so ... blind. When ... is ... the ... next ... koncert? :eek:
"Obamabot propaganda shills"


Yes we can!!

Mmmmmm.....kool aide....OH YEAH! :cool:

All Obama had to do in Germany was thrust his arm in the air at a 45 degree angle, palm down and fingers tightly clinched and straight and I would've been having flashbacks to the 1930s.

No one notices the similarities until it's too late. It's true. Those who don't know, and I mean K-N-O-W, history are doomed to repeat it.
We sure are glad you are hiding up in canada and do not deserve a vote in our national election.

Hiding in Canada? Living in Canada and quite happy to be away from the mess you Americans have created for yourselves. But if you don't mind I'll just watch from here and comment on what is taking place. It's because what happens there is going to have an influence on what happens in the rest of the world, at least until the world slowly separates itself from the US tragedy in the making.

Is there any org in the US which deprograms and then reprograms vets so they can carry on normal lives after they leave the service?
Hiding in Canada? Living in Canada and quite happy to be away from the mess you Americans have created for yourselves. But if you don't mind I'll just watch from here and comment on what is taking place. It's because what happens there is going to have an influence on what happens in the rest of the world, at least until the world slowly separates itself from the US tragedy in the making.

Is there any org in the US which deprograms and then reprograms vets so they can carry on normal lives after they leave the service?

"Deprogram"? "Reprogram"? Are you for real? :D

Oh, NOW I get it! You're really a crypto-conservative satirizing libs!

Hilarious! :p
Hiding in Canada? Living in Canada and quite happy to be away from the mess you Americans have created for yourselves. But if you don't mind I'll just watch from here and comment on what is taking place. It's because what happens there is going to have an influence on what happens in the rest of the world, at least until the world slowly separates itself from the US tragedy in the making.

Is there any org in the US which deprograms and then reprograms vets so they can carry on normal lives after they leave the service?

When the troops come home we scream baby killer and spit on them!

oh wait... that was Vietnam Never mind. Actually code pink probably does that even today.

Many troops have already come home. I work with a few of them. Mostly they go back to what they were doing before they left.
Hiding in Canada? Living in Canada and quite happy to be away from the mess you Americans have created for yourselves. But if you don't mind I'll just watch from here and comment on what is taking place. It's because what happens there is going to have an influence on what happens in the rest of the world, at least until the world slowly separates itself from the US tragedy in the making.

Is there any org in the US which deprograms and then reprograms vets so they can carry on normal lives after they leave the service?

First just a friendly suggestion because you make some very, VERY good points and I would like to see your posts have the maximum impact on the most people. Maybe consider changing your screen name to Bushhaditcoming?

It's not the US overall by any means. Granted it may appear that because Bush & the Republicans were voted in Americans endorse what they've done. I can assure you the majority does not. The extent of their fraud & trickery caught a lot of US citizens off guard but their many critical deceptions are now out in the open. Republicans lost BIG in the last election and will so again this election cycle... may are not even running for re-election because they know their chances are basically nil.

As far as Canadians go I've meet quite a few... some from Yellowknife... very good, nice and thoughtful people. They are amazed (OK bewildered & maybe somewhat pissed off) at things our current administration has done but there's a good & friendly connection with American citizens themselves.

As one of those Americans I appreciate your perspective... much of which is spot on with the way we are seen by a vast majority in many countries... that's why Senator Obama and his message of positive change and working together is resonating so well all over the world.

Thanks for your consideration on this matter.


As far as military deprogramming goes I can tell you as someone who's had a lot of family & close, close friends who have served... in fact my wife is ex-Army Military Intelligence who saw it all the time... there is a huge problem with DSS (Delayed Stress Syndrome) and it can be a fight to get the support services needed for our returning military personnel.