Democrats made a great deal out of the fact that we went to Iraq without an exit strategy.... Obama has made several statements, some of which conflicted with his others, but I think his plan strives to get us out of Iraq in 16 months - regardless of conditions on the ground. But that isn't what I'm most interested in...
What I want to know is this:
What is Obama's Exit Strategy for Afghanistan?
Have Obama and the Democrats made their timetable for withdraw in that war public yet? If not... Why not? Shouldn't they set a timetable there, just like they want in Iraq, so the Afgans can "stand up" (chuck) as we stand down and let them secure their own country?
First they are no the same, I hate to point that out.
Iraq is done , its over, its as close to a "win" as we can get and all out troops are doing is standing in the way of letting Iraq move on to taking care of itself, and providing a source of hate for those who want us out of there nation still. Its just a really simple fact, that Iraq's' government is pushing for the Obama plan basically, and wants our troops out ( with of course some staying for training only, but not offensive reasons. Also Obama has suggested possibly a very small force just for doing some counter terror operations. This deal of course would be something that needs to be worked out with Iraq's leaders, and is not something you can just say , this is how it will be, and they have to deal...if it is then we are telling the people of Iraq, we are in control and not there own leaders. not a war we have won, and we still need to move troops in and destroy the Taliban, and most likely push into Pakistan ( it seems unlikely they will do the work needed) So no one is calling for a date. You may recall Bush declared victory in Iraq years ago, of course he was a idiot when he did that, but fact is we where sitting there watching out troops in the middle of a blood feud of Sunni vs Shia.. in Afghanistan basically the US verst the Taliban who is still in control and is clearly our enemy ( the Sunni and Shia where not our enemies in Iraq) It would be dumb to say we are setting a date, and at the same time saying we need more troops there. When the Taliban is crushed, or Afghanistan is able to fend them off and Al Quida itself , we can get out. Iraq had Elections , A army, and major sources of revenue and had something we could leave behind . Afghanistan we know will fall apart if we leave.
Iraq was screwed up from the start because it was based on lies, bad Intel, and horrible planning. Afghanistan failed because we did not put the troops in needed ( again) and because we took out eyes off the ball and focused on Iraq ( yet one more reason I said Iraq was a bad idea from the start)
And keep in mind I was in full support of the McCain Surge, and that along with other political moves ( that had a even greater Effect I believe) its time we can start moving out .