Pick a number from one to ten


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2007
Horse Country
Have you ever chosen to see who goes first or who wins this way?

If not I will explain:

The judge says to the two contestants, "I am thinking of a number between one and ten. Whoever guesses closest to my number wins."

So the first contestant guesses, let's say that he guesses "3".

Now it is the second contestants turn to guess. If the number that the judge has in mind is three or less then any guess that is above three will be a losing guess. If the number that the judge has in mind is above three then 4 is the best choice as it will always beat the first contestants guess whereas 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 might not.

The rule of thumb for the second contestant is to always pick a number that is right next to the first contestants number and is closer to the greatest number of possible answers.

If the first contestant says 1 then the second contestant should say 2.

If the first contestant says 2 then the second contestant should say 3.

If the first contestant says 3 then the second contestant should say 4.

If the first contestant says 4 then the second contestant should say 5.

If the first contestant says 5 then the second contestant has an even chance of beating it.

If the first contestant says 6 then the second contestant should say 5.

If the first contestant says 7 then the second contestant should say 6.

If the first contestant says 8 then the second contestant should say 7.

If the first contestant says 9 then the second contestant should say 8.

If the first contestant says 10 then the second contestant should say 9.

OK so how, you say, does this relate to elections?

Our two presidential candidates are the contestants and each one of us as a voter is the judge. Our contestants have chosen their numbers. Barack Obama has chosen as his number "1." He is the most liberal senator in congress, he is virtually as far left as one can be. Senator McCain has chosen his number too. He is one of the most liberal members of the GOP. Not as far left as Obama but certainly not a 10 either. He is more like a 3.

So if you as the judge want very liberal country, if you want a 1 then Obama is your man. He is the closest to your number. If you want a 2 then either Obama or McCain will represent you well. If on the other hand you want a representative who reflects your desire for our country to be a 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 then McCain is closest to what you want.