Poor Kids and College

USMC the Almighty said:
I did and got a great education. And it was free (we actually got paid a little bit each month). You don't need to be rich to go there.

Not everybody wants to join the military simply to graduate college with a top notch education, debt free. We certainly need to reform public schools and make top notch college education available to everybody (if that is realistically possible) no matter what class background they come from. Alot of talent and brilliance that America is not using, because college education is not accessible to talented people. As well, people should be able to go into jobs or fields that they truly feel is their calling and not be doomed to poverty for doing so. Sometimes it seems to escape the pain of poverty people have to choose to take jobs that pay well, but really don't like or want and if you choose jobs or careers that are truly meaningful and what you want, then you doom yourself to poverty. This is un-acceptable in my view.
I made it through by the good graces of God, my ex-girlfriend, my parents, grandmother, fellow statesmen, and the United States Army. It took me by surprise, changed my life forever, and was the greatest blessing ever, before the birth of my son. Praise God.:)
I made it through by the good graces of God, my ex-girlfriend, my parents, grandmother, fellow statesmen, and the United States Army. It took me by surprise, changed my life forever, and was the greatest blessing ever, before the birth of my son. Praise God.:)

That's how I made it through school as well. The United States Army was a big help as well as family. I have an ex-wife but no children. I am not sure if God really exists. I consider myself agnostic. Not knowing if he exists or doesn't exist.
You could take a year off and work, saving up all your wages for your first year of college. It's not the end of the world! Or, do like I did, and take care of your general courses at a local community college. It's a heck of a lot cheaper than wasting that money at a state school or private university.

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