President OBAMA????


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
The obama formula for election:

- Speeches dripping with cliches
- Frenzied historically clueless 18 and 19 year olds
- The cash and influence of rich libs
- A worshipful lib media
- A solid black vote because of his skin color

That's about it. Just with this...this STUFF, he's ended up with an excellent chance to be elected president. President of the republic created by Washington, and Jefferson, and Madison. I've always followed politics, but this is the strangest thing I think I've ever seen.
The obama formula for election:

- Speeches dripping with cliches
- Frenzied historically clueless 18 and 19 year olds
- The cash and influence of rich libs
- A worshipful lib media
- A solid black vote because of his skin color

That's about it. Just with this...this STUFF, he's ended up with an excellent chance to be elected president. President of the republic created by Washington, and Jefferson, and Madison. I've always followed politics, but this is the strangest thing I think I've ever seen.

I've heard that coffee enemas can be really useful for serious constipation, have you heard that?

Excuse me? We've had worse elected in office. For instance, the war monger we have in there right now. Why don't you run for President so we can check into your background. Humph!

Here We Go

Excuse me? We've had worse elected in office. For instance, the war monger we have in there right now. Why don't you run for President so we can check into your background. Humph!

Here We Go

Libsmasher is apparently part of that illustrious 27% that think Bush is doing a good job.

It's time for a's time for Obama
The obama formula for election:

- Speeches dripping with cliches
- Frenzied historically clueless 18 and 19 year olds
- The cash and influence of rich libs
- A worshipful lib media
- A solid black vote because of his skin color

That's about it. Just with this...this STUFF, he's ended up with an excellent chance to be elected president. President of the republic created by Washington, and Jefferson, and Madison. I've always followed politics, but this is the strangest thing I think I've ever seen.

Don't forget we have to count 48 states not 50 to make the formula work.
and the all to tiring line, if you question me, your a racist!

Excuse me? We've had worse elected in office. For instance, the war monger we have in there right now. Why don't you run for President so we can check into your background. Humph!

Here We Go

You missed the point - never would we have elected such an incompetent, unqualified person who became president for such incredible, preposterous reasons.
Libsmasher is apparently part of that illustrious 27% that think Bush is doing a good job.

It's time for a's time for Obama

"Change" - see above?? See what I mean??? A guy who was a very smalltime politician just four years ago may become president because of an army of mesmerized bots robotically repeating his cliches, as if they were drugged. :confused:
The Obama Koolaid bot army on the march:

"change ...... exciting ....:eek:....fresh ........ new .......different........not the same.....change ...... exciting ........fresh ........ new .......different........not the same.....change ...... exciting ....:eek:....fresh ........ new .......different........not the same.....change ...... exciting ........fresh ........ new .......different........not the same.....change ...... exciting ........fresh ........ new .......different........not the same.....change ...... exciting ........fresh ........ new .......different........not the same.....change ...... exciting ........fresh ........ new .......different........not the same...:eek:..change ...... exciting ........fresh ........ new .......different........not the same...:eek:..change ...... exciting ........fresh ........ new .......different........not the same..... change ...... exciting ........fresh ........ new .......different........not the same.....change ...... exciting ........fresh ........ new .......different........not the same.....change ...... exciting ........fresh ........ new .......different........not the same.....
Uh, why don't you take your fag practices to a gay site? This is a POLITICAL site.

I guess that means that you are ignorant on this subject TOO! Naturopaths are not all fags and high colonics are useful to clean out the petrified meat products that Americans eat too much of these days. The caffiene is a stimulant to peristalsis also.
Libsmasher is apparently part of that illustrious 27% that think Bush is doing a good job.

It's time for a's time for Obama

Libsmasher is as his name inplies... neo-con... or as in John McCain's case, like Grandpa Simpson OLD MAN YELLS AT CLOUD!

Politically it breaks down like this. 22% hard core ticket voting Democrats. 22% hard core ticket voting Pubbies. That leave 56% Independents and such in the middle. Forget the fact that historically it is unbelievable difficult for the same Party to hold the White House 3 terms in a row under any circumstances.

After two terms of what 73% of Americans see as Bush's train wreck. Is it really reasonable to assume they'll elect someone who's now doing everything but washing George Bush's jock strap saying how great Bush policy is???


At least with him there's hope for change. McCain has come right out and told everybody... My friends, like what my friend George has done over the last 8 years... I'll do the exact same things for 4 more years and try to set it up so we're occupying Iraq for maybe 100. And I'll even sing Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran too.

Come on... Senator Obama in office means many good positive things. To start, bringing the troops and the $12 BILLION DOLLARS PER MONTH of hard earned tax payer money back home.
Don't forget we have to count 48 states not 50 to make the formula work.
and the all to tiring line, if you question me, your a racist!
Yes, how can the Democrats say they represent the majority of the United States when they leave out two very important states during their own candidates presidential primaries.
This looks like the Democrats are more the party of 'exclusion' instead of 'inclusion' when it comes to counting the votes and therefore ' the preferences' their constituency. Also if I understand this situation correctly; if the two 'excluded' states were counted, then H. Clinton would have a marginal advantage in both the popular vote and delegate count. If so, then the current situation would make the DNC 'seem to be favoring' one candidate over another against to the wishes of their party's voters.
Even though the two states excluded violated the 'party's rules' about early elections, it would seem to be more to the DNC's advantage to find a way to count them into the overall delegate and popular vote count before the Democratic Convention. Otherwise, the much anticipated Clinton floor fight for 'delegates/votes' could get uglier than anticipated.
As for 'if you question me then you are a racist'; it happens and you are right..... It is very tiring.
I guess that means that you are ignorant on this subject TOO! Naturopaths are not all fags and high colonics are useful to clean out the petrified meat products that Americans eat too much of these days. The caffiene is a stimulant to peristalsis also.

Since you are "full of it", I will concede you are an expert on "it". :)