I used to be all for the death penalty before reading about how many people have been exonerated of crimes due to DNA testing, and before reading Grisham's The Innocent Man. I highly recommend it to anyone who thinks that he is safe from prosecution just because he hasn't committed a crime.
There's an interesting point PLC, now that we have DNA testing and can be certain to odds of millions to one about the identity of who the specmine belongs to are you once agin in favour of the death penalty
One of the presenters talked about how our system for parole/probation really sets up many for failure and leads to a high re-arrest rate.
That's what I thought when I saw this article.....
Mar 14, 2008
Pedophile Making A Statement At Shopping Center
Shoppers at the strip mall on the corner of Agoura Rd at Village Glen in Thousand Oaks are in for a surprise not many of them are expecting. A recently released registered sex offender, Kevin Perry, has been seen panhandling in the parking lot. But what has patrons concerned is not the cup of change he carries but the sign he holds up which, reads "$1 to talk to a real life pedophile: Ask me anything!' Concerned shoppers have notified the Thousand Oaks Police Department who says they cannot arrest Perry until a crime is committed. However they do want the public to be aware of Perry's presence and keep an eye open for any suspected criminal activity he may be involved in.
Okay histrionics aside for a moment yeah he's Pedo yadda yadda BUT I assume this guys’ probably pretty desperate for a wee bit of cash (or just totally friggin bonkers) anyway I find this all very bazaar. Firstly if as the article states or infers he has just come out of prison is this kind of activity something that his parole allows? Secondly having done his time has he just been chucked out on the street and left to get on with life without any supervision or assistance? For example when he goes for a job I assume he is obliged to tell a prospective employer that he is a convicted sex offender and has his name on a sex offenders register? Thus his chances of being offered gainful employment are pretty limited consequently his chances of a functional re-integration into society are pretty well buggered! So what provisions are made (if any) to people like him whose chances are, well lets face it, pretty limited!
Is there for example no programmes of supervision or assistance offered for those coming out of prison? As dis-tasteful in the extreme as this is, should there not be some questions asked about why he is doing this?
Then again as I said he could be just plain cracked in which case put him out of society's misery with a 9mm in the back of the head!
ALSO...if anyone has any updated info on this I'd love to hear it!