Protesting want to kill Zionist .

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
Just what we need right . MORE leftist killers and trash who hate jews and America .

Liberals love this kind of behavior and support it.

Ungodly leftist rebels against God have murder in their hearts towards friends and children of God.
In one sense we are all chindren of God, which makes us different from the animals some unbelievers foolishly imagine humans descended from.
Humans are animals. And it is obvious that humans are related to the Great Apes. The DNA evidence is indisputable. Of course, fundies claim that humans have souls, but animals do not. But there is no way to prove that anyone or anything has or does not have a soul.

Unbelievers do not believe because there is no evidence that a deity exists.
It is much much less likely that the Biblical character called "God" ever existed, all you have to do is read the Bible.
In the minds of the ignorant and gullible evolution has always been true.
Evolution is like gravity, like the Periodic Table of Elements, the fact that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Like all humans, you share 98.8% of the DNA with chimpanzees. It has always been true.

You are just too dimwitted to reason things out.
Evolution is like gravity, like the Periodic Table of Elements, the fact that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Like all humans, you share 98.8% of the DNA with chimpanzees. It has always been true.

You are just too dimwitted to reason things out.
Sharing more more than 90% similarity in some aspects between human and chimp DNA or sharing more than 85% similarity in some respects between Human and mice DNA does not force scientific assumptions of blood relatedness between the different kinds of living creatures.