Republican Senator David Vittor on DC madam's list

top gun

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2007
Ohio, USA
Republican Senator David Vittor has now been outed on The DC Madam's account list. It seems while the "Conservative" Vittor campaigns on abstinence and family values he also likes a nice hooker on occasion.

When his wife was asked a few years back about the Clinton's marital troubles and if she would have been as forgiving as the former First Lady she replied... I'd probably be more like Lorena Bobbit.


As if the backlash from supporting the highly unpopular Bush agenda was not enough now Senator Vittor lives in fear of losing his male member.

This just goes to show when things go bad... they really go bad.
Who cares?

As a conservative, I don't actually expect much from politicians anyway. They have to be hateful, hurtful people to even want the job of committing evils of taxing others and pandering for votes.
David Vitter Admitted he was wrong what he did and he Apologized. BUT BILL CLINTON LIED WHEN HE WAS CAUGHT WITH MONICA LEWINSKY.. And the DEMOCRATS PROTECTED HIM FROM FULL IMPEACHMENT!!! Now David Vitter is a Repubuican.This is gonna show the american people that Republicans know how to accept responsibilty for their actions But Democrats cant accept responsibilty and they will lie and cover things up.Democrats will denie any wrong doing whatever the scandel is. Just like the Media cant even admitt That Janet Reno fired 93 US attorneys but when Roberto Gonzalez fired 8 US attorneys and made a big deal over it but they didnt make a big deal over it when Janet Reno did the samething.And get this When Bill Clinton attacked KOSOVO NOT ONE LIBERAL LASHED OUT On Mr Clintons Military action against KOSOVO!! But when George Bush Declares WAR on IRAQ People like Ted Kennedy lashes out about our soldiers are dying. But What about those two Dead Soldiers on Black Hawk Down over Somalia Mr Kennedy?? WHAT ABOUT THEM?? And Remember when Hillary Clinton said she supported the War and Voted for the war and now she said if i was president back in 2003 id would never supported that action to IRAQ.So which Hillary Clinton you belive? And Get this,, Democrats were all saying Saddam had WMDs back in 1998 And they all said Saddam is a very Dangerous man Well now Bush declared war and had Saddam Hanged and now they blamed George Bush for it.The fact is Democrats cant be straght forward with the american people. Just like when Al Sharpton got IMUS Fired because he said HO on the air.. What about Rappers who used the Word HO and he takes no action for it. Republicans just Proved they can be honest aqnd Straght forward with the american people and take responsibilty for their actions. Democrats cant be Straght forward with the american people and they will blame the other guy.
Steveox, you raise some good points. Notice how Senator Vitter doesn't have one friend left in the Republican Party who isn't more than willing to throw him right under the bus. He's not going to be finding apologists or supporters after this.
Vitter only took responsibility and confessed to the public that he did something wrong after he was caught and exposed. All the years though he's been running on a platform of "family values".

And Stevox, you might want to do a little reading on the Republican response to the US getting involved in Kosovo. If criticism of a President while our troops are in harms way is treasonous, as some have put it over the last few years then the Republican party has no room to talk.
Well Clinton was Caught and he kept on denining it. He even lied to the grand jury under oath he lied to congress under oath. But Gordon Liddy lied to congress and he was sent to prison for it. And Remember back in 2002 Hillary had a campaign scandel and she got a Judge who her Husband appointed when he was president. It seems to me democrats can pick their own judges who they want in their trials. But Tom Delay didnt get a republican judge now did he? It seems democrats can pick their own judge for a trial. Just like racism Democrats can be racist but republicans cant. Remember Sen Robert Byrd said the word N*GG*R right on the senate floor and no one made him step down or resign.But When Trent Lott made a speech on Strom Thurmonds 100th birthday He said Quote,, """If Strom Thurmond was president of the United States we would be having ethical problems today""" And Democrats cried foul and demand the republicans to make him step down and he was forced to step down as Senate Majority Leader But Harry Reid also made racist comments about Condi Rice and Colin Powell and No one made him step down as Senate Majority Leader. So why is it ok for Democrats can get away with dishonesty and racism and Republicans cant?
Vitter only took responsibility and confessed to the public that he did something wrong after he was caught and exposed. All the years though he's been running on a platform of "family values".

So would it be OK for him to hire prostitutes and cheat on his wife if he were a liberal who didn't even pretend to care about family values?

In several forums I have heard lines of reasoning that condemn Vitter more strongly for being a "hypocrite" (i.e., publicly running on a family values platform while privately hiring hookers) then for the actual act of hiring hookers. Last I heard, the latter of those two things was a crime and a genuine trespass against society's moral sensibilities; the former is, at best, a venial sin, and pretty far down the list of bad things a person can do. If I say murder is wrong and then go out and murder someone, I ought to be recorded in history as a murderer, not a hypocrite.

One of the things that tickles me about the "he's bad because he's a hypocrite" response is that it's basically like saying, "We hire prostitutes and cheat on our wives, too, but it's OK when we do it because we don't care about family values and you can't expect any better of us, anyway." If anyone on the left expects to get mileage out of the Vitter scandal, they had better at least feign the righteous outrage and indignation that most Louisianans probably feel about it, rather than harping on about his "hypocrisy."

Now, all that said, what Vitter did was much worse than just cheating on his wife. The man solicited prostitutes, which is a crime. He has forfeit his legitimacy as a lawmaker and should step down. This goes beyond the mere run-of-the-mill sleaziness that is common in DC, this has ventured into the realm of the illegal and he should be made to answer for it in some way. There is no question of innocence here: he has admitted obliquely to what he's done (the day after his phone number was published on the DC madam's list he held a press conference saying he'd done some very bad things in the past, etc. -- and today he's in hiding, making no effort to defend himself while people orchestrate behind-the-scenes for his ouster). Obviously my stance here could change as the situation unfolds, but I think Vitter's present course of action speaks for itself.
David Vitter Admitted he was wrong what he did and he Apologized. BUT BILL CLINTON LIED WHEN HE WAS CAUGHT WITH MONICA LEWINSKY.. And the DEMOCRATS PROTECTED HIM FROM FULL IMPEACHMENT!!! Now David Vitter is a Repubuican.This is gonna show the american people that Republicans know how to accept responsibilty for their actions But Democrats cant accept responsibilty and they will lie and cover things up.Democrats will denie any wrong doing whatever the scandel is. Just like the Media cant even admitt That Janet Reno fired 93 US attorneys but when Roberto Gonzalez fired 8 US attorneys and made a big deal over it but they didnt make a big deal over it when Janet Reno did the samething.And get this When Bill Clinton attacked KOSOVO NOT ONE LIBERAL LASHED OUT On Mr Clintons Military action against KOSOVO!! But when George Bush Declares WAR on IRAQ People like Ted Kennedy lashes out about our soldiers are dying. But What about those two Dead Soldiers on Black Hawk Down over Somalia Mr Kennedy?? WHAT ABOUT THEM?? And Remember when Hillary Clinton said she supported the War and Voted for the war and now she said if i was president back in 2003 id would never supported that action to IRAQ.So which Hillary Clinton you belive? And Get this,, Democrats were all saying Saddam had WMDs back in 1998 And they all said Saddam is a very Dangerous man Well now Bush declared war and had Saddam Hanged and now they blamed George Bush for it.The fact is Democrats cant be straght forward with the american people. Just like when Al Sharpton got IMUS Fired because he said HO on the air.. What about Rappers who used the Word HO and he takes no action for it. Republicans just Proved they can be honest aqnd Straght forward with the american people and take responsibilty for their actions. Democrats cant be Straght forward with the american people and they will blame the other guy.

Bill Clinton... Bill Clinton... yada... yada... yada...

I can't find my shoes... must be Bill Clinton's fault. The topic here is another Republican hypocrite.

We all know how much the neo-cons hated Clinton. How about your own guys... any standards there at all?
Well Clinton was Caught and he kept on denining it. He even lied to the grand jury under oath he lied to congress under oath. But Gordon Liddy lied to congress and he was sent to prison for it. And Remember back in 2002 Hillary had a campaign scandel and she got a Judge who her Husband appointed when he was president. It seems to me democrats can pick their own judges who they want in their trials. But Tom Delay didnt get a republican judge now did he? It seems democrats can pick their own judge for a trial. Just like racism Democrats can be racist but republicans cant. Remember Sen Robert Byrd said the word N*GG*R right on the senate floor and no one made him step down or resign.But When Trent Lott made a speech on Strom Thurmonds 100th birthday He said Quote,, """If Strom Thurmond was president of the United States we would be having ethical problems today""" And Democrats cried foul and demand the republicans to make him step down and he was forced to step down as Senate Majority Leader But Harry Reid also made racist comments about Condi Rice and Colin Powell and No one made him step down as Senate Majority Leader. So why is it ok for Democrats can get away with dishonesty and racism and Republicans cant?

And yet again... Well Bill Clinton is worse! I can't talk about my guy but I can tell you one thing for sure! Bill Clinton is a stinky boo boo head.

What about the holy roller Republican and the steady stream of prostitues... anything... was it a good thing... do you think it hurt his wife and kids... do you see any hypocrisy here with his outspoken Bible thumping act... anything!
So would it be OK for him to hire prostitutes and cheat on his wife if he were a liberal who didn't even pretend to care about family values?

I never said that it was ok.

In several forums I have heard lines of reasoning that condemn Vitter more strongly for being a "hypocrite" (i.e., publicly running on a family values platform while privately hiring hookers) then for the actual act of hiring hookers. Last I heard, the latter of those two things was a crime and a genuine trespass against society's moral sensibilities; the former is, at best, a venial sin, and pretty far down the list of bad things a person can do. If I say murder is wrong and then go out and murder someone, I ought to be recorded in history as a murderer, not a hypocrite.

One of the things that tickles me about the "he's bad because he's a hypocrite" response is that it's basically like saying, "We hire prostitutes and cheat on our wives, too, but it's OK when we do it because we don't care about family values and you can't expect any better of us, anyway." If anyone on the left expects to get mileage out of the Vitter scandal, they had better at least feign the righteous outrage and indignation that most Louisianans probably feel about it, rather than harping on about his "hypocrisy."

Now, all that said, what Vitter did was much worse than just cheating on his wife. The man solicited prostitutes, which is a crime. He has forfeit his legitimacy as a lawmaker and should step down. This goes beyond the mere run-of-the-mill sleaziness that is common in DC, this has ventured into the realm of the illegal and he should be made to answer for it in some way. There is no question of innocence here: he has admitted obliquely to what he's done (the day after his phone number was published on the DC madam's list he held a press conference saying he'd done some very bad things in the past, etc. -- and today he's in hiding, making no effort to defend himself while people orchestrate behind-the-scenes for his ouster). Obviously my stance here could change as the situation unfolds, but I think Vitter's present course of action speaks for itself.

I stand by what I said. The Republican party in general claims the mantle of "family values", that Democrats can't have faith, that they don't care about families, et cetera yet it seems at every turn that they aren't any different when it comes right down to it.
I never said that it was ok.

I stand by what I said. The Republican party in general claims the mantle of "family values", that Democrats can't have faith, that they don't care about families, et cetera yet it seems at every turn that they aren't any different when it comes right down to it.

Stand by it all you want -- it doesn't make it any less stupid. It is no less illegal, immoral, and unethical for a liberal who doesn't care about family values (thanks for conceding that, BTW) to solicit a prostitute and cheat on his wife than it is for a conservative who does care about family values. Personal beliefs do not get you an exemption from such things.

The whole idea behind the family values campaign, by the way, is that behavior like Vitter's is, in most cases, the consequence not of personal defects (which is what you're suggesting) but of external social pressures that have to be cracked down upon -- pornography, a highly sexualized entertainment industry, etc. I don't know how you got it into your head that his professed faith in the strengths of a virtuous society somehow means he is able to act as if he lived in one; mocking him for not living up to those standards is like mocking a gun control advocate for trying to kill himself with a shotgun.