Republican Senator David Vittor has now been outed on The DC Madam's account list. It seems while the "Conservative" Vittor campaigns on abstinence and family values he also likes a nice hooker on occasion.
When his wife was asked a few years back about the Clinton's marital troubles and if she would have been as forgiving as the former First Lady she replied... I'd probably be more like Lorena Bobbit.
As if the backlash from supporting the highly unpopular Bush agenda was not enough now Senator Vittor lives in fear of losing his male member.
This just goes to show when things go bad... they really go bad.
When his wife was asked a few years back about the Clinton's marital troubles and if she would have been as forgiving as the former First Lady she replied... I'd probably be more like Lorena Bobbit.
As if the backlash from supporting the highly unpopular Bush agenda was not enough now Senator Vittor lives in fear of losing his male member.
This just goes to show when things go bad... they really go bad.