Should Capitalist Christians demand the death penalty for anyone who leaves our Democratic republic system like Muslims demand death for apostates?

Yo Daddy!!

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
Should Capitalist Christians demand the death penalty for anyone who leaves our Democratic republic system like Muslims demand death for apostates?

Not because we want that, but to make dumb Dems wake the fk up and realize that they should choose to defend life and not death!
Should Capitalist Christians demand the death penalty for anyone who leaves our Democratic republic system like Muslims demand death for apostates?

Not because we want that, but to make dumb Dems wake the fk up and realize that they should choose to defend life and not death!

"defend life and not death"? whatever you mean by that, you dumb fk lol
Should Capitalist Christians demand the death penalty for anyone who leaves our Democratic republic system like Muslims demand death for apostates?

Not because we want that, but to make dumb Dems wake the fk up and realize that they should choose to defend life and not death!
Consider what a capitalist is. A Capitalist is a person who supports himself with the return on the investments that he makes, as opposed to being paid for labor of services he performs.
Capitalism is not a governmental system: it is a tool for amassing investors in a business for he purpose of earning profit.

Most Americans are NOT capitalists, and this is true for people of any religion.
Consider what a capitalist is. A Capitalist is a person who supports himself with the return on the investments that he makes, as opposed to being paid for labor of services he performs.
Capitalism is not a governmental system: it is a tool for amassing investors in a business for he purpose of earning profit.

Most Americans are NOT capitalists, and this is true for people of any religion.
On response to the question, of course inflicting the death penalty for leaving the country is totally unjustified.

The actual reality is that very few Muslims are actually executed for leaving Islam. Muslims raised as believers who decide that the religion is silly generally just ignore the parts of the religion they do not find useful or logical, and generally they are left alone. Executions of apostate Muslims are quite rare.

Which is as it should be.
Should Capitalist Christians demand the death penalty for anyone who leaves our Democratic republic system like Muslims demand death for apostates?

Not because we want that, but to make dumb Dems wake the fk up and realize that they should choose to defend life and not death!
You're a complete nutter.
Muslims execute very very few people for apostasy. Perhaps in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan.
Forcing people to follow any religion is a violation of the UN Charter.
The irony in the two words of “capitalist” and “christian” being put together like that. Jesus was a communist dummy. The Bible has a ton of passages shitting on the accumulation of wealth if you actually read it. It’s pretty wise in that regard. That’s why most Christian’s here in America are joke though. You’re nothing like the guy you worship. He’d be disgusted by you.
Capitalism requires that the state limit the liability of investors in a profit making scheme to be limited only to the amount they have invested. Hence the term "limited" or Ltd. in the names of British and other companies.

There was no such legal arrangement anywhere during the time Jesus was alive, so capitalism was impossible and did not exist. Capitalism and Christianity are not harmonious with one another.
Christianity would say that those made ill from black lung due to their working in a coal mine should be rendered all possible medical attention.
Capitalism would say that they should have known that the job was dangerous when they took it, and that the mining company's investors could never be forced to pay more for medical help to the miners.