stop it, please!!!

BTW Mogur, I happened to notice that you are from Whidbey Island. Are you by chance in the navy? If so, might you also be in the CT field? If so, that would be an interesting coincidence.
So Mr Pig, it sounds like you don't have an issue with quotes being wrongly attributed.

Are you quoting me? :D Because I don't recall saying that.

I was just saying that if he thought the quote I put down as my sig was wrongly attributed to Thomas Jefferson, then he should have just sent me a PM explaining why he thought so. Even if he felt like he needed to bring it to the attention of the forum, he didn't have to be a dick about it. Obviously his goal was to call into question my intellect. He also wanted to set the tone for the new guy, so that he could refer to it repeatedly during later debates as "evidence" that I don't know what I'm talking about. He clearly tried to tie me to some imaginary stereotype of conservatives who just spout off crap that they know nothing about. My analysis of his motives is therefore watertight.

The truth is that I've seen the quote many times attributed to Jefferson. I've used it for several years now on different forums, and nobody ever said anything to me about it. I personally don't think there is any way for him to know whether or not the quote is truly Jefferson's or not. Not everything the man said was written down. It could have been attributed to him by somebody else who heard him say it way back when. If such is the case, the words could have been paraphrased right from the start. I understand that this is in no way proof that Jefferson DID say it, and I am not trying to say that I know one way or the other. I am just saying that it is perfectly reasonable to have assumed the quote was Jefferson's since it has been attributed to him many times by many sources for many years. I have no stake in the matter either way, if the words aren't his, it doesn't destroy my opinion of the man, or in any way damage my political ideology.

Essentially my statement to Mogur was chill out, don't be a dick. Nowhere in this version, or the more expanded originally posted version of my statement can I find anything claiming or implying that I have no problem with people being misquoted.
What’s up with all the founding father (especially Thomas Jefferson) misquotes in signature lines? It’s invariably right wingnuts propping up their wacko, cornball ideas by shrouding themselves in the righteous trappings of founding ideas, yet they almost always turn out to be complete fabrications. I already beat down little-acorn about his Jefferson misquote, but two more have ‘pooped’ up since:

Capitalist Pig– "My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government." Thomas Jefferson

This quote has not been found in any of the writings of Thomas Jefferson. It bears some slight resemblance to a statement he made in a letter to John Norvell of 14 June 1807, "History, in general, only informs us what bad government is." However, the quotation as it appears above can definitely be attributed to John Sharp Williams in a speech about Jefferson in 1913. The first time the Williams quote was attributed to Jefferson was in a 1950 Forbes article by Bertie Charles Forbes.

Gipper– “The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.” Thomas Jefferson

Again, the Jefferson Encyclopedia cannot find this quote in any of Thomas Jefferson’s writings. He did write, in the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798, the following: “ questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the constitution.”

Please, just because a quotation rattling around inside the echo chamber is attributed to a founding father, doesn’t make it a true quote. Quite the opposite. If you insist on perpetuating misquotes, I will continue to call you out on them. They are a lie and they are disrespectful of our founding fathers. Have some class and use quotes that the founder actually said or wrote. And, you will appear smarter to those outside the right wing circus if you do.

It's hard to fearmonger and be honest at the same time.

If we've learned one thing it's that the Karl Rove smear merchants are completely off the chain. You kinda get this weird mix of Ann Coulter breeding with teabaggers.

It's not pretty.

He clearly tried to tie me to some imaginary stereotype of conservatives who just spout off crap that they know nothing about.
Sorry, but letting me know that You think George Bush was stupid is not proof that he was. Lets just for the sake of furthering the discussion, assume that he was. It does not prove that all conservatives are stupid, or that I am specifically.

Actually, that wasn't the message I was trying to convey.

I first quoted you...

"He clearly tried to tie me to some imaginary stereotype of conservatives who just spout off crap that they know nothing about."

And below that I placed the photo. The key message of the photo was not GWB. It was the words "Mission Accomplished" in the background.

I was saying that when it comes to tying you to a stereotype of conservatives who spout crap they know nothing about, the mission was accomplished.

GWB looking his normal slack-jawed self was just a bonus. :)