Story time with Uncle blow hole joe.

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
Sos we have a liberal she male story time for kids , And with Joes talent for AMAZING stories about himself he should have his own Blow hole Biden story time for kids .
He could dress like Mr. Rodgers and have little kids set on his lap so he can smell them and touch them then rip one of his amazing stories such as crossing bridges on a train without train tracks or how he was arrested in the senate and on civil rights march's and in south Africa.

Yes he can tell them all how he defeated corn pop and his gang of thugs and how he was raised in a Jewish black Porta Rican Irish polish hood.
He can encourage them to get a education like he did and graduate in the bottom of the class.
He could have Hunter on the show and he could show them how to weigh your rock and make sure it's the good stuff.

And he could bring some of his trans athlete friends and they could tell stories about how they physically dominated and destroy female athletes even hurting them physically .

And he could tell porky pies about how good 18 million illegals are good for the nation .
you really are obsessed. you can't stop thinking about him and rushing here to post these stupid threads. lol
you really are obsessed. you can't stop thinking about him and rushing here to post these stupid threads. lol
Glad you enjoyed it . Yes it's kinda stupid and kinda funny and it also hits a nerve because much of it is true.

I like injecting my own twisted sense of humor into my posts from time to time . It pleases me greatly to know you do not like them .
But as we have talked in the past you have no sense of humor.
Sadly I have noticed a lot of progressive liberals socialist have been born with out one. Along with common sense and reduced ethics and morals.
Many also had a deformity or 2 , monkey tails were common along smaller then normal heads that were also pointed often refered to as pin heads . Much different then the old school Democrats which I was at one time when I was young.
Glad you enjoyed it . Yes it's kinda stupid and kinda funny and it also hits a nerve because much of it is true.

I like injecting my own twisted sense of humor into my posts from time to time . It pleases me greatly to know you do not like them .
But as we have talked in the past you have no sense of humor.
Sadly I have noticed a lot of progressive liberals socialist have been born with out one. Along with common sense and reduced ethics and morals.
Many also had a deformity or 2 , monkey tails were common along smaller then normal heads that were also pointed often refered to as pin heads . Much different then the old school Democrats which I was at one time when I was young.
well i enjoyed laughing at you. why would I read your nonsense? lol

i neitther like nor dislike this nonsense since as I said I dont read it. lol.

i do like laughing at how pathetic it is to post this stuff. lol
well i enjoyed laughing at you. why would I read your nonsense? lol

i neitther like nor dislike this nonsense since as I said I dont read it. lol.

i do like laughing at how pathetic it is to post this stuff. lol
You do not read my posts lol that's a bold lie ,you must have some Biden and trump in you.
You obviously have read all of them on this thread and many other from the hundred's of responses on them
As I said progressive liberals born with no common sense.
And your other progressive liberal brother who claims to have a PhD and was a teacher have both demonstrated the ignorance of what's good for America and a complete disregard for the difference of what's right and what's wrong Evil has dug it's way into both party's but most conservatives fight back against it. While liberals have embraced it for the most part.
In my life I have watched the Democrat party go from a party I respected but as liberals took control the morality ethics and plain old lack of common sense degraded year after year to the perversion it is today
You do not read my posts lol that's a bold lie ,you must have some Biden and trump in you.
You obviously have read all of them on this thread and many other from the hundred's of responses on them
As I said progressive liberals born with no common sense.
And your other progressive liberal brother who claims to have a PhD and was a teacher have both demonstrated the ignorance of what's good for America and a complete disregard for the difference of what's right and what's wrong Evil has dug it's way into both party's but most conservatives fight back against it. While liberals have embraced it for the most part.
In my life I have watched the Democrat party go from a party I respected but as liberals took control the morality ethics and plain old lack of common sense degraded year after year to the perversion it is today
no i skimmed over it and saw no links or anything of substance, just blather.
it doesn't take much to see when you are posting the usual nonsense
Here is a bit about BIDENS creepy obsession with children creepy

and heres some more for lug nut

And here is hunter weighing his cocaine for all of us to see with his hooker by the way.
Hey lug nut here are some more links for you , about my little story

Odd isn't it how my story I told has so much truth and facts, but you do not like that do you.
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do you need links to already prove Biden has the issues I talked about ? OK lets go on that subject shall we *****>
I don't need anything duh
All this thread is just your boredom and obsession
The world is full of news and youvdecidevto write a stupid story and rush here and pist it lol
I don't need anything duh
All this thread is just your boredom and obsession
The world is full of news and youvdecidevto write a stupid story and rush here and pist it lol
Nope it hits close to home and you know it . Or you would not have cried and complained no links then I give you links and you hate it even more. YOU CAN NOT HANDLE THE TRUTH,
Hey lug nut here are some more links for you , about my little story

Odd isn't it how my story I told has so much truth and facts, but you do not like that do you.
Biden is a sick puppy.