Straight Talk Express crashes


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
In what is more than a little ironic, John McCain's bus the "Straight Talk Express" had a minor traffic accident today. It's hard to imagine McCain having the gall, after all his flip flopping and pandering, to even still call his bus by that name.

Of course taking into account his age and the obvious symptoms of Alzheimers he's exhibited, half the time he probably still thinks it's 2000 and he's still a maverick. Poor old sucker.
In what is more than a little ironic, John McCain's bus the "Straight Talk Express" had a minor traffic accident today. It's hard to imagine McCain having the gall, after all his flip flopping and pandering, to even still call his bus by that name.

Of course taking into account his age and the obvious symptoms of Alzheimers he's exhibited, half the time he probably still thinks it's 2000 and he's still a maverick. Poor old sucker.

Do any other conservatives sense the panic in the Obamabots as he slides in the polls? :D
Do any other conservatives sense the panic in the Obamabots as he slides in the polls? :D
Three national polls released within the last two days, Obama leads in all of them.

CBS News:45%-39%



Don't worry Libs, maybe Fox will come up with a poll showing McCain leading or you can cite a mysterious KNBC poll, complete with no links, showing McCain having the edge.
Why bother lying when it is so easy to show you are a liar? As everyone but the most clueless knows, trends matter: Obama's "lead" in gallup is in the statistical uncertainty and certainly can be only very thin. Remember when you used to post the gallup tracking poll? You select the poll that gives you the best results. :D

Why bother lying when it is so easy to show you are a liar? As everyone but the most clueless knows, trends matter: Obama's "lead" in gallup is in the statistical uncertainty and certainly can be only very thin. Remember when you used to post the gallup tracking poll? You select the poll that gives you the best results. :D


Gallup is a tracking poll, like Rasmussen's daily tracker. The polls I cited are not. However, if trends matter, you will notice that after being tied for several days Obama has moved back into the lead in the Gallup tracker.
Gallup is a tracking poll, like Rasmussen's daily tracker. The polls I cited are not. However, if trends matter, you will notice that after being tied for several days Obama has moved back into the lead in the Gallup tracker.

I will note, as will anyone with at least a high school student's grasp of statistics, that the gallup poll shows the race is in a statistical dead heat. :D Obamabots have been blathering for at least a month that the game is all but over, while the numbers tell a different story.
I will note, as will anyone with at least a high school student's grasp of statistics, that the gallup poll shows the race is in a statistical dead heat. :D Obamabots have been blathering for at least a month that the game is all but over, while the numbers tell a different story.

You'll notice the Gallup graph, that you now cling to, shows the Obama bounce, albeit temporary, that you claimed never occurred.

Speaking of polls, here's something interesting dated 7-24. I don't know the exact reason for it but it is noteworthy:

Since the beginning of May, over 74 days of polling, the Gallup tracking poll has shown Barack Obama with an average lead of 1.6 percentage points over John McCain. During the same time period, the Rasmussen tracking poll, over 76 days of polling, has shown Obama with an average lead of 1.8 percentage points. But during the exact same time period, 38 other national polls have shown Obama with an average lead of 5.2 percentage points.
In what is more than a little ironic, John McCain's bus the "Straight Talk Express" had a minor traffic accident today. It's hard to imagine McCain having the gall, after all his flip flopping and pandering, to even still call his bus by that name.

Of course taking into account his age and the obvious symptoms of Alzheimers he's exhibited, half the time he probably still thinks it's 2000 and he's still a maverick. Poor old sucker.

As if George Bush hadn't wrecked things enough now Grampy is giving it a try!:D Wait till the debates and the stuttering and stammering start. In the Republican debates Ron Paul asked Grampy a question on the economy and Grampy sounded like Miss North Carolina!:eek:

Senator Obama will completely dismantle him and be nice to him while he's doing it.:)

Or watch this straight version at the end... how true, how true!