@ Tea Party Supporters?

I think most who join the tea party learned about them from conservative friends, Fox news, emails and the internet.

I am a minority and I do not feel uncomfortable to be with tea party people.

There are a number of black groups who are tea party members.

One black guy was beaten at a tea party by some union thugs for being a tea party member. If anyone makes a minority feel uncomfortable to be a part of the tea party, its liberals who treat them like crap for steping out of the fold.

I seen that too. It's getting ugly out there and hopefully cooler heads will prevail and with this being an election year I only hope it doesn't get to emotional out there especially with things the way they are. I wish nothing but the best for the Tea Parties.
The other two parties are worthless, Moveon.org has been questioned along with Code Pink and they both have their issues and are left wing organizations so this is nothing new and the conservative media has questioned their motives and rightfully so. TO be honest I don't care about Moveon.org or Code Pink. You start showing links to prominate African-Americans who happen to be republican and what does this have to do with recruitment in minority neighborhoods in regards to the Tea Party? Get back to me on that.

I have to wonder why I even bother posting links when no one wants to read them, and then thay ask me "what has this to do with ........"

You might start with the hiphop link.
As for your questions about why the Tea parties are given a bad name....

Limited Government

Fiscal Responsibility

Free Markets
....Not to mention....​
"When you have law-enforcement officials and state legislators showing up to support citizen militias and "oath keepers" who believe the federal government is about to swoop down in black helicopters and round up citizens to imprison them in concentration campshttp://crooksandliars.com/david-neiwert/if-tea-party-candidates-really-are-p ... Well, that's a problem for everyone.

It's like the 1990s on steroids. Back then, it produced a notable spate of domestic terrorism. This time around, with so many more people being successfully recruited, one can only imagine the violence that awaits us all."
It's open to everyone, you just need to show up. Does Code Pink go door to door asking people to show up for their rallies? Of course not... If you agree with the things the group is saying, you contact them and find out how to get involved.
.....Or, follow The Bubblehead.

O'REILLY: But I'm unclear. I'm unclear. Do you think that the birther people should have a place at the Tea Party table? Do you think they should be a place there?

PALIN: There is always going to be an element of those who want to be a part of a movement, who have their own ideas of where the country should go or what's going on with the country.

O'REILLY: Then what do you do with those people? Do you accept them and embrace them?

PALIN: Well, one, you don't take away their First Amendment rights. And we say you cannot speak about those things or ask those questions that you want answers to.
That's part of democracy at work is those…

O'REILLY: But do you see the danger that if that becomes the headline, then the mainstream American, who isn't really following it that closely says hey, you know…

PALIN: I see the danger of more of the same of the mainstream media wanting to paint Tea Partiers as radical wacko conspiracy theorists. And if we allow that to happen then, no, this grassroots movement of the people wanting their voice to be heard because there is such a disconnect between what's going on in Washington and the people that Washington is supposed to be serving."