the big kickback

Where does it say entire Biden clan, lying ***** lol
10 members of the Biden family lug nut now you post where you said science was right 99.999 percent of the time as you claimed lug nut.
Where does it say entire Biden clan, lying ***** lol
The money was distributed to 10 Biden family members, including President Biden’s grandchildren. what part of that do you not comprehend lug nut . Now post the link where you claimed science is right 99.999 percent of the time or stfu
10 members of the Biden family lug nut now you post where you said science was right 99.999 percent of the time as you claimed lug nut.

The money was distributed to 10 Biden family members, including President Biden’s grandchildren. what part of that do you not comprehend lug nut . Now post the link where you claimed science is right 99.999 percent of the time or stfu
So not to Joe

He isn't part of the Biden clan *****? He is? So not the entire clan duh
God you are stupid
So not to Joe

He isn't part of the Biden clan *****? He is? So not the entire clan duh
God you are stupid
Acording to hunter he just gave joe half of what he earned and paid daddy thousands a mon th in rent and for his cell phone . so lug nut Joe int part of the Biden clan you claim .Yes and the earth is flat
Acording to hunter he just gave joe half of what he earned and paid daddy thousands a mon th in rent and for his cell phone . so lug nut Joe int part of the Biden clan you claim .Yes and the earth is flat
This article talks about money you said went to the entire clan
It doesn't say any webt to Joe
You lied *****
The article did not say it went to the entire clan
You lied ***** lol
Yea sure lug nut . If you do not comprehend 10 family members as being the clam then that's fine but I did not lie.
Now lug nut post your claim with evidence that science is right 99.999 percent of the time or stfu
Yea sure lug nut . If you do not comprehend 10 family members as being the clam then that's fine but I did not lie.
Now lug nut post your claim with evidence that science is right 99.999 percent of the time or stfu
Without Joe Biden you cannot say it's the entire Biden clan my God it's such a simple simple concept and yet you're just too stupid to understand that or else you're just upset that I caught you and you're attempted lie LOL
Yea sure lug nut . If you do not comprehend 10 family members as being the clam then that's fine but I did not lie.
Now lug nut post your claim with evidence that science is right 99.999 percent of the time or stfu
Let's face it it's just another one of your pathetic attempts to smear Joe Biden with a lie and that's always being pathetic it was caught right away and you were shown to be a liar once more
kickback is a sum of money that is paid to someone illegally,

Of course no one has been charged with doing this illegally the article doesn't mention anything about this being kickbacks but 8 the truth has never stopped you from lying before
kickback is a sum of money that is paid to someone illegally,

Of course no one has been charged with doing this illegally the article doesn't mention anything about this being kickbacks but 8 the truth has never stopped you from lying befo

Let's face it it's just another one of your pathetic attempts to smear Joe Biden with a lie and that's always being pathetic it was caught right away and you were shown to be a liar once more
Hardly lug nut hardly
Hardly lug nut hardly
Of course it is I point out exactly you're lying and it's clear what your intent is so you can deny it but you're post right there you claim there was the entire Biden clan which would include joe Biden but that's a lie I mean I find it amusing that you continue to argue because it gives me another opportunity to point out that you're a liar but go for it