
Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2007
What's your opinion of the USA? Do you think it is still "the greatest nation" or would you say it "simply sucks"?

Please try to elaborate and provide some examples (i.e "? What IS the "greatest" country today and when and why did the USA stop "being the best", was it ever the best? or Why does it continue to be the best? What is it that sets it apart from the rest of the world? ... How could it be better? Why can't it be better?)
We have the alleged wolrds greatest military power that FAILED to defend even its own HQ located in its own Capital City and nobody has been busted for incompetence!

AMERICA is no longer the world leader in science and invention, we have lost our manufacturing base.

we import huge ammounts of oil to feed our addiction to an energy intensive lifestyle
(&ya, yours truly guilty as charged!)

our own Capital Washington D.C. has become one of the most dagerious cities to live in.

in short, AMERICA has gone to hell in a handbasket!
Then leave...

American Patriots dont abandon theyre country in its time of need!..................patriotic Americans dont understand the difference....It is My duty and Inherint right as a U.S Citizen to stay and see to it that this tyrannous government is removed and replaced with the choice of the people not the party
Decleration of Independence

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

I'd Say America is still the greatest country on earth and last stronghold for Western culture but it is defnitely declining at an exponentially quick pace. I am personally not happy with how America has been run in the last fifty years.
American Patriots dont abandon theyre country in its time of need!..................patriotic Americans dont understand the difference....It is My duty and Inherint right as a U.S Citizen to stay and see to it that this tyrannous government is removed and replaced with the choice of the people not the party

"Love your country, but never trust its government." - Robert A. Heinlein

Very true. Unfortunately too many people can't tell the difference between the two.

I always believed in the ideal that people in a democracy under excellent decisions and progress could trust their government and should. I've concluded it is bad decision making and the defense of bad decisions that mainly drives the government and the people apart having the government lie and leading the public to not trust it. The Feminzation of men and lack of political participation also leads the public to not trust the government too. Strength itself in a country's policy is an agenda and philosophy that can only be understood by the strong and sacrificial. If a society grows lazy or weak and cowardly, they are likely to not trust a government which has far-reaching power and influence.
What's your opinion of the USA? Do you think it is still "the greatest nation" or would you say it "simply sucks"?

Technologically, Economically, and Militarily, the US has no equal in human history. By those criteria, America is the peak of human civilization.

AMERICA is no longer the world leader in science and invention

Then how come the rest of the world is still using our products? Are you typing on a Japanese computer right now?

Take a look at the immigration statistics, and that says pretty much all that needs to be said. People are climbing over each other to get into this country:

#1 898,000 - United States
#2 215,000 - Canada
#3 186,000 - Germany
#4 150,000 - France
#5 82,000 - United Kingdom

Odd how everyone seems to hate us, yet their people are climbing over each other to get here...more than the next 10 nations combined.

I am willing to bet it is our overflow that contributes to Canada's large immigration rate as well.
Then how come the rest of the world is still using our products? Are you typing on a Japanese computer right now?
About half of my computer seems to have been made in China. My television was made in Japan. Even the chair I'm sitting on wasn't made in this country.

Face it, America has gone post-industrial.

Odd how everyone seems to hate us, yet their people are climbing over each other to get here...more than the next 10 nations combined.
Odd like how the Germans hated the Roman Empire? Odd like how the Muslims and Byzantines couldn't get along? Odd like how no one liked Kaiser Wilhelm II? With power and influence come enemies. It is an indicator that we're still powerful; it isn't hard to explain. One word does it: envy.